It's Fire Season! How Do You Program Your Rig(s) for fire?

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Aug 10, 2005
Sacramento County, California
Due to the sudden start of Fire season, i decided to start programming my scanners for fire season.

Last year i just dumped the tac channels and my local command freqs in the same bank and it was insanity. BAD.

So this year i've set up a quick key for "fire" and the groups i have dispatch, air tacs, tacticals, travel freqs.

i know it's not the most organized way of doing it, i wanna know how you do it! post your uasd files if you can, but you don't have to.



Database Admin
Nov 25, 2003
SFO Bay Area and Las Vegas NV
karldotcom said:
I added my WILDFIRE bank of 100 frequencies back into my scanner....

I too have a completely separate load-out for summer and winter.

In the winter is lots of PG & E and DPW frequencies in one bank for "storm central".

In the summer that bank is replaced with all of the command, tacs and air tactics


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
I listen to FIRE frequencies 24/7/365. I find that often I will hear details of a call from a fire dispatch that I do not get via other means. Sacramento Sheriff is computer dispatched, so I do not hear calls. Whether LE, medical or actually a fire; it seems the fire depts get the call.

BANK 0 = All conventional fire freqs within about an 80 mile radius of me. This includes dispatch, secondary and tac channels as well as the mutual aid channels.

BANK 1 = CAL FIRE, formerly CDF. I've also programmed NIFC channels in this bank, but found they do not talk much during the winter. Cal Fire is very active in this area.

Aircraft frequencies are either programmed into my aviation bank or bank 1 depending on the scanner. I'm typically not interested in hearing air tankers, but have the freqs programmed in case I am.

Bank 2 = USFS, BLM and PARK freqs. Many of these freqs are active with fire fighting when there is something going on.

I find that I'm almost never listening to 1000 channels (actually 8 banks x 100 channels and 2 trunked banks @ 150 channels each = 1100 channels) so I don't change what's programmed for winter. If I don't want to hear something, I just lock em out.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 29, 2005
Orangevale, ca
Summer Fire Scanner programming

I set my scanners banks as follows
0 bank for CHP and Parks..
1 Bank for local law (county I reside in) / Unless I'm in the eastern sierra then its Alpine/Mono/Inyo area agencies.
2 bank for local fire (county I reside in)
3 bank varies depending on my activity / ie Nevada or Calif.
4 bank for CDF / Cal Fire
5 bank for all National Forests including the 415-419 links
6 bank for BLM and other Fed systems.. air tactics
7,8,are adjacent county's
9 bank..usually active forest/blm area I am in or active incident.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
benca said:
I set my scanners banks as follows
0 bank for CHP and Parks...
That seems odd. One bank for both CHP AND parks.

Full setup:
0 = FIRE
3 = CHP (includes state police)
4 = Sacramento (both trunked and conventional)
5 = Roseville
6 = Law enforcement ("local")
7 = Law enforcement (Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, etc)
8 = Marine & Amateur (& stuff found searching)
9 = Aviation


Feb 16, 2005
So California
I am really digging my BCT15 with its 'dynamic' memory to group things together for fire monitoring. Its really can pretty much have all the 'banks' you want and can even group separate systems into one 'bank' so you can activate combinations of different systems by one key. Only problem is keeping track of all your 'quick keys'. I really feel limited by the 10 banks on my other scanners now...


Apr 21, 2003
Burbank, CA
I have been looking hard at the 996 because of the available space....(although my buddies display just failed on the one he bought after two weeks) I never thought that 1000 memories would be too few....but with the expansion of trunking and each bank going to a system, it eats up channels and talk groups quickly.

Although I did see that thread in Indiana where the guy ran out of space on his 396T programming that statewide system.

To expand on my original comment, I have my regular bank of FIRE, which includes all the LA City Fire and LA County Fire channels, along with Ventura County, and the state mutual aid frequencies in. In my Burbank bank, I have the ICIS trunked system and all of the Verdugo Fire frequencies after that. And in my wildfire bank, there are 100 CDF, NIFC, Air Tactics, USFS, etc frequencies that I loaded onto my base scanner.....

on my handheld in that bank, I kept the CityFire dispatch channels, which are all the dispatch channels for all the FDs in LA County, but no tac channels......(sometimes you just want to listen to dispatches, and not fire inspections, drills, etc.) and recently added the MEDCOM pairs...which I thought were mostly dead, but have been picking up a lot of activity on in LA.

I also have the LA City TRS system (heard some Park Rangers fighting the Griffith Park fire yesterday) and the LA County CWIRES trunked system in the portable....I used to leave them out, but figure if it hits the fan, that all the Disaster/EOC Groups might come alive with some life saving information.... although I somehow doubt it!

After the Northridge Earthquake, the LAPD frequencies gave the most accurate information quickly, particularly Tac-1 with the air units doing overflights and damage assessments.


Feb 24, 2001
These are the banks I have in my home base station, mobiles, and handhelds:

0 Inyo National Forest - programmed with the tones for each of ten repeaters for Forest Net, Admin Net, and Service Net and the 400 MHz linking system. Includes initial attack tacticals, VHF AM aviation, and air guard/flight following.

1 Natural Resource and Fire Agencies - the Sierra National Forest, BLM, NPS, Fish and Game, State Parks, and local fire. I am able to hear both California and Nevada agencies, which is why I have 50 frequencies for this limited category of frequencies.

2 State and Local Agencies - CHP, Caltrans, Mono and Inyo Counties, Bishop and Mammoth PD and FD, and city services frequencies. All local fire department tactical frequencies for each fie district in the county used mostly for structural fires.

3 Local Businesses

4 Federal Large Fire - All NIFC command, tactical, logistics,; air guard/flight following, regionally and nationally assigned VHF AM aviation frequencies and the VHF FM air tactical frequencies; and all the misc. tacticals such as the federal commons, smoke jumper tac, etc.

5 State Large Fire - all the CDF command, tactical, VHF FM air tacticals and air to ground frequencies, OES, CALCORD, all three "White" mutual aid, the aviation frequencies in Bank 4, and state assigned VHF AM air to air tacticals.

6 Yosemite National Park Area (for travel to)

7 Inyo County (for travel to)

8 Utilities - SCE, L.A. City DWP eastern Sierra UHF and lowband system (Pacific Intertie DC transmission line), Verizon, cable TV companies, and the local geothermal plant. Includes all known 800/900 simplex tactical frequencies used by SCE for major damage to the grid.

9 Mammoth Mountain Ski Area - includes June Mountain Ski Area, the UHF/VHF system of MMSA used for support functions such as lodging, employee housing, etc. and with space for trying out new non ski area frequencies discovered in searches whose function is not known yet.

I have both the Federal and State Large Fire banks programmed into every file I have with the exception of my Arizona travel files where there are not enough state large fire frequencies to justify a separate bank. I rarely use these banks but dedicate 50 or 100 channels of memory to them anyway. If a local fire escapes initial attack or if I'm traveling and become aware of a large wildland fire within reception range, I don't want to be scrambling around trying to figure out what frequencies they are using and reprogramming lots of channels. With these banks always ready, I can just select them for scanning and hear almost all large wildland fire communications right away. The only thing I cannot hear right away are the VHF AM aviation "discrete frequencies", which are not really secret as the word "discrete" may imply, but are frequencies assigned by the FAA for an individual incident that needs its own frequencies just for the incident. They are assigned on a case by case basis depending on the needs of that incident.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 21, 2002
Planet Earth
I just put the incident channels into the command group on my BK GPH-CMD.

Okay maybe that's cheating...... :)

I don't know if there's a perfect way to set a scanner up for regular monitoring, since everyone has their own personal preferences.
What I'm trying this year is programming the incident into my 396 in a separate group. For Initial attack, I just lock out non-pertinent stuff, but with computer programming, it doesn't take very long to program an entire incident. So if a fire looks like it's going to go for more than a few operational periods, I'll put it all into one group. I figure that incident radios only have 16 channels, so that takes care of most of it. The air ops stuff is another 6 or 8 channels and that's it. 30 minutes in front of the TV entering the info and that's it. Any changes to the comm plan and you just change it in the software and reprogram.

My regular setup varies, because I have several different radios (ham, scanner and public safety radios). In my 396T, I have some groups by agency, some by function, with some duplication (USFS, NIFC, AIR OPS, LAFD, LACoFD, Orange County TRS, etc...).

Dec 27, 2002
Northern Nevada/Sierra Front
I run a couple of radios durning fire season, but ill just list my pro-91, and in my 780 i dedicate a bank to major incidents and lighting stroms
Local fire dispatches and tacticals (California, and nevada), and NDF

Forest Service and NPS

BLM, and CDF

NIFC Command and Tacticals, White fires also

AIrcraft Nets (Air to air, air to ground)


Feb 24, 2001
Markb said:
I just put the incident channels into the command group on my BK GPH-CMD.

Okay maybe that's cheating...... :)


What, you don't have the DPH yet? I can't believe the prices of the new BK digitals. Just doing a digital upgrade for the GPH runs about $1,000 per radio. Since the new digitals cost almost $2,000 this is quite a bargain. I have a surplus EPH for 2 meter ham use and for backcountry emergency use on USFS/BLM/NPS frequencies. Although it is capable of showing 12.5 kHz spacing on the screen, the signal transmitted is too wide to be considered true narrow band operation. I will need to replace it by the time state and local agencies are required to operate in narrowband. I'm glad that is not going to happen real soon.

My programming reflects the number of frequencies that are active in my rural area, which in comparison to urban areas is small. When I travel my main interest is listening to natural resource and wildland fire agencies followed by local fire departments. The next priority is to have highway patrols and state departments of transportation to keep up on road conditions that might be ahead of me. If I lived in an urban area, it would be difficult to figure out how to program banks and how to limit a program to 500-1000 channels. A means of quickly reprogramming my BC-780 would probably be the answer, just as you explained. When I visit family in the L.A. Basin I'm amazed by the amount of radio traffic. I think I would be overwhelmed by the complexity of how to write programs, especially if I were more insterested in law enforcement listening.
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Feb 26, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Each Bank is a separate CDF Unit. Additionally, I have a bank of just CDF Command Channels. I find that by doing it this way, I am able to track an incident easier.

Bank 1:
SCU Local
Tac 2
Tac 6
Tac 9
White 2
White 3
Air Tac 5
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