Jammer, radar or ?

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Active Member
Feb 4, 2017
I've been hearing this sound on the 25 meter band since about 15:10 UTC (it's now 15:25). The sound is a very strong pulsating signal with some fading, but it's also very wide, seeming to center around 11845 kHz, but extending from 11837 to 11853. I'm unable to find its exact center, because switching to USB mode produces no tone by which I can zero beat it. I also have no way of posting a spectrum display. Can anyone else hear this?


Active Member
Feb 4, 2017
On the Pennsylvania web SDR ( http://websdr.k3fef.com:8901/ ) I only hear an AM station on 11860 kHz. Nothing else is nearby.
I did notice that 11850 is used by VOA, R. Free Asia, etc., and also the BBC. Considering NATO's opposition to Putin's actions against Ukraine, those stations would likely be prime targets for Russian jamming until they leave the frequency. The signal is now off the air, but I picked it up for more than an hour all told. I'll check it out at the same time tomorrow. I don't use any SDRs, just my own radio, and in this case it was my portable with just the whip antenna..


Jul 20, 2013
Te Pahu, New Zealand
Last week I saw a note somewhere that BBC had reawakened the shortwave service to Ukraine daily on 15735 1800-2000 UTC. Had a listen from here in New Zealand and all I heard was a loud buzz that sounded suspiciously like the old USSR jamming I remember from the 1970/1980 years. Covered from about 15680 to 15800.


Active Member
Feb 4, 2017
Last week I saw a note somewhere that BBC had reawakened the shortwave service to Ukraine daily on 15735 1800-2000 UTC. Had a listen from here in New Zealand and all I heard was a loud buzz that sounded suspiciously like the old USSR jamming I remember from the 1970/1980 years. Covered from about 15680 to 15800.
Yes, I think the Russian jammers are back. The one I heard reminded me of the rapid popping noise from the so-called "Russian Woodpecker" (over-the-horizon radar) several decades ago, but considering the frequency, this one was more likely a jammer. That OTH used to cover up the USSR's own propaganda from Radio Moscow at times, so that popping noise was, in a way, the sound of the Soviets shooting themselves in the foot -- with a machine gun! :D
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