Does anyone know if Johnson County is using any of there VHF Frequencies for Dispatch or anything? Please let me know. I truly appericate it.
DiGiTaLD said:The only VHF systems still in use are Johnson County Sheriff TAC 2 (159.150 MHz PL 103.5) which functions as a secondary means of contacting Johnson County Dispatch in case of SAFE-T failure or other non-priority traffic. Johnson County Sheriff TAC 1 (155.610 MHz PL 103.5), which used to be the primary sheriff dispatch, is now a car-to-car repeater that dispatch no longer has access to.
Greenwood and Johnson County Dispatch both multiselect their initial fire dispatches on their old VHF frequencies (154.445 MHz PL 103.5 and 154.010 MHz Carrier Squelch respectively), probably for VHF pagers, but after that the VHF side is silent. Greenwood dispatch can still be contacted on their VHF fire system (154.445 MHz PL 103.5) as I have heard Rural/Metro units do it from time-to-time, so it is still tied into a console in their dispatch.
Greenwood PD has all but completely abandoned their VHF system (155.550 MHz PL 103.5), and it seems as though it is now used by another city agency. The last time SAFE-T failed (gotta love those ever-so-reliable T1 lines that will fail in an earthquake or other sufficient natural disaster), and the Greenwood dispatch wireline consoles were down, they were dispatching from portables in the dispatch center, site trunking on the Greenwood SAFE-T site, rather than using the VHF system. I'm not sure who is using the old GPD VHF machine now, but it isn't the police department.
Elsewhere around the county, I believe Franklin FD is still using their UHF for paging purposes, and possibly some voice (I have caught some console multiselects on SAFE-T, and only hearing one side of the conversation). Bargersville FD still simulcasts (though not in a trunking sense) all of the dispatch-side traffic from their control center on VHF (154.175 MHz DPL 023). I have not heard Johnson County Dispatch, Greenwood, or anyone else in Johnson County, on VHF Point-to-Point (155.370 MHz) for years; it seems they have abandoned it in favor of J-MA1 and other mutual aid talkgroups on SAFE-T. Johnson County Sheriff units frequently utilize the unlicensed "Jail" frequency (158.445 MHz carrier squelch) frequently for informal car-to-car simplex, especially at night. Otherwise, VHF is pretty much a thing of the past in Johnson County. Don't expect to hear any normal, day-to-day dispatching on it anymore.
Is that not what I already said?W9NES said:Johnson County Sheriff has 155.610 and 159.150.You will hear car to car traffic on 155.610 and the 159.150 is refered to as "Tac 2"