That touched a nerve. People who do stupid things to their radio antenna because "it's poking me in my roll of fat above my belt" and then complain that their radio with a badly mutilated antenna doesn't seem to have any range. I'm one of those very direct people who'd tell them straight to their fat face, "Your radio came in with a compaint that it had no range. Its antenna was badly mangled. Here's a new antenna. This will work well. In this shape, and this condition, it will deliver the best performance possible. Your organization is being billed 35 dollars for it. If you bend it, break it, reshape it, cover it in duct tape or aluminum foil, chew on it, or change it in ANY way, it will reduce the range of the radio and may even break the radio's transmitter. Leave it alone if you want it to work. If you do any of those things to this antenna, you are not allowed to complain when the range of your radio starts to suck. THE ANTENNA IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE RADIO. WITHOUT A GOOD ANTENNA, THE RADIO WILL NOT WORK WELL!!! Do you understand?"
This little speech, when given to the radio users one at a time, actually seemed to help reduce the number of mangled antennas that needed to be replaced. When they are made to understand that the antenna is not just a handle, that it is EVERYTHING to the performance of the radio, then they start to treat it with a little more care.