Kaiser and Town Center Security Freqs

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 24, 2010
Milwaukie, OR
I've had my Pro96 scanner for a while now - I had to upgrade from the Pro94 when Portland and the surrounding counties rebanded. But it's been worthwhile. Whenever I leave the area and want to listen somewhere else outside Portland, I've been reprogramming it. But I just recently figured out how to use the V Folders, which has opened up a whole new world for me. Now I can have ten SEPARATE sets of 10 preprogrammed banks, so there's no "reprogramming" necessary, because the memory is so big - and even better, the Pro96 allows me to scan trunked and nontrunked frequencies in the same bank. Or even listen to Clackamas County and Multnomah County in the same bank, even though they're on separate systems.

That's something I couldn't have even dreamed doing on my old Pro94, much less being able to monitor OSP and CCOM at the same time. Even though I call it "old faithful," because it was my first, my old Pro94 is basically only good for conventional frequencies in rural areas now.... The Pro96 cost a FORTUNE, but it was worth every penny.... especially for a recently addicted scanner enthusiast like myself. (Already my family is complaining, "Why do you have to take that thing EVERYWHERE??")

All of that being said, I've been having fun with the programming (currently using Win96) and figuring out how to fill all those banks and channels. So because I've got the room, I'm adding in some frequencies I never would have considered before, due to space constraints.

With that in mind, I was at Kaiser Sunnyside last week and noticed 2 of their security vehicles rushing toward the main entrance, with the officers jumping out and racing inside. They have a PA system for paging doctors, etc, and it was saying "Code Blue, room such and such," but I never did find out what happened. So naturally, as an evolving scanner geek (still in the learning stages), I immediately wanted to know what their security dispatch frequency was. But I've been unable to track it down. Does anybody know?

I live in Milwaukie and am in the Clackamas/Sunnyside area every few weeks, so I'd also be interested in the Town Center Security frequencies as well, if anyone has them.

Thanks for all your help.



Premium Subscriber
Nov 26, 2006
CTC is on MotoTRBO so no scanner can listen to it yet.


CIA Agent
Feed Provider
Aug 23, 2011
Portland, OR
Lloyd Center mall security for the longest time had been on 464.5750, however over this past summer (2015) I have noticed that they seem to have switched over to 464.7625. Lloyd Center Macy's sales or loss prevention do not appear to be using 462.2750 or 467.2750 from what I can tell so if anyone knows those that'd be great. I also have determined Sears LP but my buddy works there so I don't wanna post it in the open here just yet, pm me if you want it.

Clackamas Town Center is definitely using MotoTRBO.

Anyone know about Pioneer Place mall security?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 24, 2005
Doing FCC search for Pioneer Mall i came up with this freqs

452.675 repeater
461.7375 repeater
461.8125 in notes i have 5 years ago this was listed as there security freq.Unknown now
462.1375 repeater

Anyone get chance to check those let us know what you find and let us know what security freq is.


Jan 7, 2011
Code blue in a hospital means they are actively doing cpr/defibrillator/airway/etc because someone is dying. That (in the er especially) often does come with some immediate security presence if family is around and starting to freak out.
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