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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Kenwood TK-385

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Aug 6, 2022

I made what was perhaps a stupid eBay purchase and picked up a cheap 450-470MHz bandsplit TK-385, as I understand most radios will work down to 440MHz, and it uses the same batteries and KPG-36 programming cable as the TK-290 I've been using on 2M (and really like). I've been looking at KPG-62D and am realizing that this radio seems to be intended for trunked operation, which I definitely won't be using. Is it possible to load conventional-only firmware onto it? Or do I just need to program the conventional settings and leave all the network stuff as default, and perhaps manually switch the radio into conventional mode? The radio itself was 35 dollars so if it turns out to have been a mistake to purchase, so be it, but I'm wondering if I'm just missing information.




Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
That's from the service manual.

I've never got my hands on a -385 (but did enough x80s to know that you can switch the programming software between trunking & conventional mode), but I'm sure it's rather easy to do.

If you can't figure it out, I'll dig out my VM that has KPG-62D on it and try to remember.


Aug 6, 2022

From what I've been able to see, the radio will fall back to conventional mode if it can't use trunking mode, but I think you're right about some kind of toggle. I'd think it would be in the radio information section, but it doesn't seem to be there. I don't actually have the radio yet, so when it comes I may get some more insight into that problem. If you don't mind taking a look though, that would be very much appreciated!



Aug 6, 2022

So I looked at KPG-49D and I see your point about how easy it is to switch from Trunking to Conventional-only. It doesn't appear that KPG-62D has that same option. I read on here that it might be possible to flash the firmware for the TK-380 to this radio and program it with KPG-49D. I'm willing to give it a shot, but would I need V1 or V2 TK-380 firmware? I'm leaning towards the latter, as I think the 385 is a newer radio.



Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
Sadly my VM doesn't have a codeplug for a radio of that type.

If you poke around under EDIT and (i think it's) Networks, there appears to be a section to input up to 32 conventional frequencies, but that appears to be it. Not sure what your use-case is, but this radio would be quickly falling out of favor for the likes of me.

Good luck!


Aug 6, 2022
Yeah, I realize now I should have picked up a 380, not the 385 I got. When it arrives I'll try loading the TK-380 firmware on it, looking at the schematic they look to be extremely similar (The 380 goes to 490 MHz, not 470 like the 385) and I think that it's worth a try. If not, I'm not out much, and I've got a good parts radio for a 380 in the future.



Aug 6, 2022
Well, got my hands on the radio. Interestingly, neither KPG-49 nor KPG-62 seem to want to have anything to do with it. Attempting to read the radio with either gives me an invalid type response. Entering program mode tells me that the firmware is version MPT W1.71BB, checksum 42A6. So now I'm stumped, and think I may have purchased a paperweight. Scrolling through on the radio gives me a Security, Maintenance, CH 1 and CH 2, which I guess is the trunking data programmed into it.

Additionally, the FCC ID on the back is one for the 450-490 MHz bandsplit TK-380, not a 385, which I found odd.

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!

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I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
KPG-62D should read it.

Make sure you are using the correct serial number to activate the software. Make sure it is US market.


Aug 6, 2022
Would radio security settings cause that error to be thrown reading the radio? I haven't tried writing it with 62 yet, but I figured that could be an issue. Pretty sure I'm using the correct software, it's definitely the US market version. The Radio Information menu in 62 seems to have no issue reading the radio ESN, firmware checksum, version, and radio serial number, so it clearly can communicate. Is there a newer firmware for these radios?

EDIT: Just tried to enter test mode in KPG-62, that doesn't work either. I wonder if this radio is running some kind of usecase-specific firmware that the normal KPGs won't deal with. Is there a way to get the latest 385 firmware?

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I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Would radio security settings cause that error to be thrown reading the radio? I haven't tried writing it with 62 yet, but I figured that could be an issue. Pretty sure I'm using the correct software, it's definitely the US market version. The Radio Information menu in 62 seems to have no issue reading the radio ESN, firmware checksum, version, and radio serial number, so it clearly can communicate. Is there a newer firmware for these radios?

EDIT: Just tried to enter test mode in KPG-62, that doesn't work either. I wonder if this radio is running some kind of usecase-specific firmware that the normal KPGs won't deal with. Is there a way to get the latest 385 firmware?


W-180 is the latest firmware. You'll have to do some hard searching for it. It was released in 2011. I wouldn't go messing with firmware yet.

Not sure what security settings you are talking about.

If your cable is good, you should be able to turn the radio on and try reading the radio. The radio should show "programming" on the display. If it doesn't, check your cable.

TK-380's should be pretty cheap, so figure out how much head banging you want to do on this. I know the challenge can be fun, but finding firmware for this radio might be difficult.

At this point, you could try just making a new codeplug and try writing to the radio. Worst that would happen is you'd brick it, which is essentially what you have now.


Aug 6, 2022
Thanks for the information!

Unfortunately, trying to write a new codeplug also gives me a model error. It definitely seems like unless I'm able to track down the correct standard firmware for this thing, it'll be a paperweight. Definitely may just be time to go get a 380 and consider it a lesson learned!

Thanks again


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Rather than look for a 380 (which is considered quite antiquated), maybe look for a TK-3180 which is a nicer, somewhat newer radio, and can probably be found very inexpensively at your local Kenwood LMR shop. Talk to a tech and see what's sitting in the "old radios" pile.

Good advice. My 'shop' UHF radio is a TK-3180. Nice big display, more channels, newer radio, a ton of accessories out there.
Just be aware of the challenges with firmware version and narrow band UHF. If you are going to use this for GMRS/Ham, then you want to make sure you have old enough firmware.

Other option is the TK-390. Those can be set up for front panel programming.


Aug 6, 2022
Yeah, a newer radio would probably be better. Unfortunately, the nearest Kenwood dealer for me is a state away, so the "ask about old radios" trick isn't going to work. I'll keep an eye out on eBay and see if I can get a deal on a 3180 or a 390 (Would definitely pair well with my 290).

However, I've made some progress on the 385. I did some poking to see why all the software I tried kept rejecting and noticed that the radio was reporting itself to be a slightly different model of 385 to the KPG. So, having nothing to lose, I hex-edited KPG-62D with the value from the radio, and it let me write a fresh codeplug to it. Now, it seems to report a version to stock KPG-62D's liking and I can program conventional frequencies into it, which actually seem to work, though with few options as the conventional programming for the 385 is pretty limited. Looking over the schematics, the 380 and 385 are virtually identical, but it won't take the 380 firmware, so it's not as simple as just loading it with FPro. Even if there were better ways to spend my money, this is definitely an interesting project that I don't regret poking at.


Apr 4, 2007
Well, got my hands on the radio. Interestingly, neither KPG-49 nor KPG-62 seem to want to have anything to do with it. Attempting to read the radio with either gives me an invalid type response. Entering program mode tells me that the firmware is version MPT W1.71BB, checksum 42A6.


That's FW for MPT1327 trunking, not normal LTR. It probably needs separate SW...(?) Maybe someone can find normal FW for it...?
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