Some years back, when listening to the KHP airplane as they were checking the speed of motorists, they would fly back and forth over a fairly long distance...up to about 10 miles and clock speeders with several stopwatches. More recently I have heard them using some newer technique...that seems to involve a GPS measurment?? I will hear the 'plane radio to the ground two numbers...one is obviously the speed...say...83 and the second is a distance...usually around 700 feet..give or take a few hundred feet. I have heard them refer to one number as the 'IBM' number...so...I think it must be some combination of the GPS distance taken with some sort of laser sight and a figure that is calculated from a laptop.......or ???? A typical transmission might be.."Red Ford pickup, passing lane...85 and 720 feet." Does anyone have the 'inside' info about this??