KrakenSDR Availability

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Field Operations Member
Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2010
Wandering Around
Well, it's official. The KrakenSDR became available for crowdfunding/preorder yesterday on CrowdSupply.

For anyone who doesn't know about the project, KrakenSDR is the next generation follow-up to the extremely successful KerberosSDR. Kerberos was and Kracken is a single package phase coherent mult-RTL SDR device and software package intended for radio direction finding and passive radar. Kerberos worked amazingly, and Kraken in the testing and demo videos seems to be even better. I just pledged my support with my pre-order and I'm really excited about it. If you wanna check out more here's the links.

KrakenSDR on YouTube

Disclaimer: I have no personal or business associations with the creators of the KrakenSDR, their past or current projects, nor do I receive anything for my enthusiasm regarding their projects. I'm just a huge fan.
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