LAFD system might be older analog and mere conventional, but it seems to work quite well imo.
I rarely hear units asking to repeat, or complaining about poor signal.
LACoFD on the other hand with their mixed VHF & UHF system seems to have much more significant reception and comm problems even in the LA metro basin.
I can't address LACoFD's system since I don't know anything about it, but LA City Fire's signal quality is probably due mainly to the fact that every duplex transmission is repeated citywide through 9 synchronized transmitter sites around and adjacent to the city, a true simulcast system. There are a number of voted receivers so the best uplink signal from mobiles or portables is always selected, and it will change instantaneously if another site suddenly receives a better signal. Between nine simultaneous transmitters and numerous receiver sites, there aren't too many places for even a 2-watt portable to hide, even up in the 800 band. I believe their radios are all programmed for simplex operation, but it seems to be frowned upon, probably because duplex works so well, even inside buildings.
There is a 10th high-elevation "backup" repeater that is independent of the nine simulcast sites, but it is normally in receive-only mode for their 18 channels.
Unless something has changed in the last few years, LA
PD, on the other hand, doesn't use simulcast on their dispatch, division tac, or bureau tac frequencies. The seven citywide tactical frequencies and many of the specialized divisions' frequencies do use simulcast though, since by definition they require coverage throughout the city.