Now that I know what an MOA is...what sort of activity would there be around Lubbock? Now that Reese AFB is no longer in operation, I wasn't aware of any particular activity, unless the National Guard does specific exercises around there.
To that end, here's something you might find interesting. Many years when I was going to Tech, I lived across the street from campus at what is now known as University Plaza (it was "College Inn" back then). My primary receiver was a Radio Shack Pro-2 receiver, which was dual-band hi-lo VHF, and could be tuned on both bands and had space for one highband xtal and one lowband.
That Christmas (1971 or '72) I brought the radio with me back to Midland for the holidays. Since my CB base station was still in Lubbock, I utilized my base antenna at home for the Pro-2. The lowband freqs were quite active in those days, and I enjoyed tuning the lowband part of the radio....and heard quite a bit of interesting stuff,too. But for some reason, I decided to tune the highband part of the radio. The skip on lowband had been heavy, so I decided to see if highband was as active. Sure'nuff, it was ! On the upper end of VHF high, around 170 mhz, if I remember correctly, I picked up some traffic from some war games that were going on at Parris Island in SC. That was very cool to listen to!