F-22s did go to Grissom as reported...but certainly not all of them. Each
flight went directly overhead Patterson, so I had visuals on several when clouds
weren't in the way.
In the descent, all of the flights split into pairs (or pairs and a single);
some of them changed to other aux freqs. All flights used 341.800 for Raptor Ops
(referenced by one flight as "Eagle Ops").
FIRST 11 (x4)
353.525 ZID > 317.625 ZID > 288.300 ZID (11)/360.775 ZID (13) > 379.300 GUS A/D
233.525 (Aux 21) and 262.025 (Aux 22)
EAGLE 21 (x4)
353.525 ZID > 317.625 ZID > 288.300 ZID > 379.300 GUS A/D
228.450 (Aux 23)
EAGLE 25 (x4)
353.525 ZID > 317.625 ZID > 360.775 ZID > 379.300 GUS A/D
238.175 (Aux 4) and 315.850 (Aux 26)
EAGLE 31 (x4)
353.525 ZID > 317.625 ZID > 360.775 ZID > 379.300 GUS A/D
285.150 (Aux 32)
SPAD 41 (x2)
353.525 ZID > 317.625 ZID > 360.775 ZID > 370.850 ZAU > 379.300 GUS A/D
233.525 (Aux 21)
SPAD 43 (x3)
353.525 ZID > 317.625 ZID > 360.775 ZID > 379.300 GUS A/D
262.025 (Aux 22)
SPAD 51 (x3)
353.525 ZID > 317.625 ZID > 360.775 ZID > 379.300 GUS A/D
238.175 (Aux 4)
SPAD 47 (x2)
353.525 ZID > 317.625 ZID > 360.775 ZID > 379.300 GUS A/D
257.075 (Aux ??)
SPAD 61 (x2)
353.525 ZID > 317.625 ZID > 360.775 ZID > 379.300 GUS A/D
233.525 (Aux 21)
Reported to be leaving tomorrow or later in the week.