I cant get anything on rampart dispatch 506.9375 is there update feq for this
Database says 509.9375.
I believe 509.9375 is the input of 506.9375.
I cant get anything on rampart dispatch 506.9375 is there update feq for this
Thank i test it out when I go to that area next week to see if that it but a received central div great.You prob wont with a rubber antenna from North Hollywood. Outdoor scanner antenna will.
I get it fine with my outdoor Antenna from West Valley - SFV
Thank i test it out when I go to that area next week to see if that it but a received central div great.
central is no problem. You prob cant hear 77th st, Harbor, West LA, Southwest, Wilshire right?
Outdoor antenna is the best way, I use a a Discone and get all of LAPD including all tacs and simplex.
My scanners are SDS100 TRX-1 and Tapped 2006/2042 that work great with all LAPD using the Discone from Chatsworth
A comment and a couple of questions, if I may. I too have a SDS100 with an Antennacraft ST2 about 25 feet up with approximately 50 feet of RG-11 coax. I live in the East SFV, however, I do not get near the reception you get with your discone antenna. My reception for South Bureau is spotty and West Bureau is non existent. What kind of a discone antenna do you have and at what elevation? Thank you in advance.
You might want to fine tune the ST2 until you hit the sweet spot. Take your SDS100 to the roof and use a short cox cable and move your antenna until reception gets better on the hard to tuned stations.