About an hour ago when I was out and about I heard a page go out for a "tanker task force" from MABAS Div. 25 (Here in LaSalle County) to go to Rockton "in the morning". I heard about this fire last night but it appears to still be going and looks like they're anticipating it "going for awhile"
Fire Rages On At Chemtool Plant In Rockton, Illinois; Those Within 3 Miles Told To Wear Masks Outside – CBS 2: News, Weather, Sports On All Platforms (cbslocal.com)
Rockton fire: Authorities issue a mandatory evacuation for those near Illinois Chemtool facility (msn.com)
Fire Rages On At Chemtool Plant In Rockton, Illinois; Those Within 3 Miles Told To Wear Masks Outside – CBS 2: News, Weather, Sports On All Platforms (cbslocal.com)
Rockton fire: Authorities issue a mandatory evacuation for those near Illinois Chemtool facility (msn.com)