I’m sure a lot of people have noticed whenever there is an MVC call in London, dispatch is no longer giving the location over the air. They say to “check your printout for details “. This is no doubt as a result of tow companies like 519 tow arriving to the scene long before LFD does with multiple tow trucks.
I know at least to me this is infuriating. It causes more traffic congestion, can lead to secondary collisions because of rubber necking, and is completely unnecessary. The fact that LFD had to resort to only giving the location on the printout shows how much of a problem it is.
We all know that seconds count in an emergency. Where before the crews would hear the location over their station speakers while they are putting their gear on, now they have to add an additional step before they can actually get to the scene. At least LFD has come up with an innovative solution to the problem rather than just throwing encryption on, but if crap like this keeps happening, I fear we will have even less to listen to in our hobby. Thoughts guys?
I know at least to me this is infuriating. It causes more traffic congestion, can lead to secondary collisions because of rubber necking, and is completely unnecessary. The fact that LFD had to resort to only giving the location on the printout shows how much of a problem it is.
We all know that seconds count in an emergency. Where before the crews would hear the location over their station speakers while they are putting their gear on, now they have to add an additional step before they can actually get to the scene. At least LFD has come up with an innovative solution to the problem rather than just throwing encryption on, but if crap like this keeps happening, I fear we will have even less to listen to in our hobby. Thoughts guys?