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Jan 5, 2007
hello all

I have a question regarding licenses for amatuer radios and what not. I have been given some hassle as far as my scanners and such in my vehicle. I am in VA, which its legal to have in the vehicle. I am thinking that getting the license couldnt hurt (if there is one). I will be geting a spectra motorola radio before too long, and i just want to make sure I am doing everything correctly. What steps do I need to take in order to be 100% okay in Virginia. Also, I travel to KY for three weeks every summer, and I know I need some type of permit to even have a scanner in KY..thanks in advance


Feb 12, 2006
McDonough County, IL
Nitsud said:
hello all

I have a question regarding licenses for amatuer radios and what not. I have been given some hassle as far as my scanners and such in my vehicle. I am in VA, which its legal to have in the vehicle. I am thinking that getting the license couldnt hurt (if there is one). I will be geting a spectra motorola radio before too long, and i just want to make sure I am doing everything correctly. What steps do I need to take in order to be 100% okay in Virginia. Also, I travel to KY for three weeks every summer, and I know I need some type of permit to even have a scanner in KY..thanks in advance

1. Follow all state and local laws. Do your homework on present statutes and don't play games with the authorities. You can consult the Wiki pages here on RR as a good starting point for legal references.

2. While getting a ham license may or may not help your situation, I personally believe it's a poor reason to get a ham license solely to have a scanner in your vehicle. However, if you do get a ham license, do carry the "wallet" copy either with you or in your glove box. Be prepared to show your ham license to LEOs if and when I have been and so have several others.

3. I would suggest that you DO NOT program public safety TX (RX is fine) frequencies into your spectra unless you have written permission/documentation that authorizes you to transmit on said frequencies. Failure to heed this advice will likely make an already bad situation just become worse for you.
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Feb 29, 2004
outskirts of tar bay
Nitsud said:
hello all

I have a question regarding licenses for amatuer radios and what not. I have been given some hassle as far as my scanners and such in my vehicle. I am in VA, which its legal to have in the vehicle. I am thinking that getting the license couldnt hurt (if there is one). I will be geting a spectra motorola radio before too long, and i just want to make sure I am doing everything correctly. What steps do I need to take in order to be 100% okay in Virginia. Also, I travel to KY for three weeks every summer, and I know I need some type of permit to even have a scanner in KY..thanks in advance

Just curious (and trying to help), what sort of hassles have you dealt with for mobile scanning in Va? We only have laws dealing with scanner use in the furtherance of crimes here... I would get the impression that the enforcement entities that hassled you are mis-informed...

But, by all means, friend, get your ham might like the privileges that it allows..:cool:
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Jan 5, 2007

the local PD is a bunch of good old country boys (no disrespect intended), and they feel as though I shouldnt be able to listen to their communications. I am 17 y/o and I guess they just get dot feel comfortable with me listning. It is my righ to listen though. With the oncoming of the spectra, I can only feel like it will get worse. I am a volunteer FF with the same county, and now I or whoever may be riding with me, can communicate with ECC now. Also, the fines in KY are heavy Ive heard. I know this is a scanning site, but could someone direct me to a decent site to get me started with a HAM license, or a good book or something? thanks


Feb 12, 2006
McDonough County, IL
Nitsud said:

the local PD is a bunch of good old country boys (no disrespect intended), and they feel as though I shouldnt be able to listen to their communications. I am 17 y/o and I guess they just get dot feel comfortable with me listning. It is my righ to listen though. With the oncoming of the spectra, I can only feel like it will get worse. I am a volunteer FF with the same county, and now I or whoever may be riding with me, can communicate with ECC now. Also, the fines in KY are heavy Ive heard. I know this is a scanning site, but could someone direct me to a decent site to get me started with a HAM license, or a good book or something? thanks

I'm not insinuating that you deserve to be hassled in any way, but I will pose a question for your own consideration. Are you doing anything that would remotely hinder LE in the performance of their duties? Are you ambulance chasing, or do you happen to be in suspicious places at suspicious times? If so, that certainly explains the hassle. Again, I'm not privy to the situation, so you must ask yourself if you are saying or doing anything to invite a second look from LE.

If not, then I would suggest that you use the appropriate channels and contact a LE supervisor for this SP agency. IF you are being hassled simply for possessing a perfectly legal scanner, you certainly have the right to make at least a verbal complaint and get the issue resolved.

Here are a couple of links to get started in ham radio:

Again, I'll reiterate on the Spectra. They are a great radio and I wouldn't trade mine for any VHF ham rig. However, if you're already having these problems, it will be inviting lots of speculation and possibly more trouble if you have that Spectra programmed to transmit outside of the ham band, UNLESS you have direct authorization (carry an official FD or county letter in the glove box) to transmit on those frequencies outside of 144-148 MHz...just a bit of advice.
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Jan 5, 2007
thnks for the links. No, the scanner in my truck only monitors the SP. Its really just a pissing contest I honestly believe. My father was a cop for 12 years, one county away, I have all repect for a police officer. I do not feel threatend, and never was i told i couldnt have one, just alotta times, the officers wanna harrass me over it, they see the antenna, so they pull me. I have nothing to hide...but once I install the spectra, they will think now that I may transmit on it, and they will want to see a license...


Feb 29, 2004
outskirts of tar bay
It does not present reasonable suspicion that a criminal activity is afoot to have an antenna installed. Why are you being stopped? If the local units say that it's because of the antenna, then you need to make a strong complaint through proper channels to the agency. Merely having an antenna aint a violation and shouldnt get you stopped... Surely they are giving you a solid reason for stopping you... Even us country boys in L/E know that.

Again, if they say it's merely for the antenna, you have a case for a complaint... If they are stopping you for other reasons, then quit doing whatever it is they are stopping you for and you should see their harassment go away...

I hope it's just a mistake on their part...:confused:
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Jan 5, 2007
let me clarify...I am not being pulled directly for the antenna. I am talking about when I am stopped at a store, or even I have been outside in the yard, and a PO will stop and talk about anything, then it always leads to the antenna..let me state again, I am not being pulled like in a car...


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
Do note that you must have the permission of the licensee to put their channels in your spectra, even if you're a firefighter/etc. They have to ok it, as they are licensed for a specific number of mobile units. If they already have that many, they'd have to file with the FCC for more, before they could let you operate.

They might also simply have a department policy that personally owned radios are not permitted. Many agencies do.


Mar 12, 2004
Nitsud said:
let me clarify...I am not being pulled directly for the antenna. I am talking about when I am stopped at a store, or even I have been outside in the yard, and a PO will stop and talk about anything, then it always leads to the antenna..let me state again, I am not being pulled like in a car...

Didn't you say you are a volunteer firefighter? That should take care of any hassle. Just tell them the antenna is so you can hear the fire calls. It's probably too late now, since you have likely told them you monitor the SP, now they think you listen to them, too. Maybe you do, but don't tell them you do. Just keep quiet. It's called being DISCREET.


Jan 5, 2007
DickH said:
Didn't you say you are a volunteer firefighter? That should take care of any hassle. Just tell them the antenna is so you can hear the fire calls. It's probably too late now, since you have likely told them you monitor the SP, now they think you listen to them, too. Maybe you do, but don't tell them you do. Just keep quiet. It's called being DISCREET.

yeah, I just bough another vehicle...

yeah..the FD thing should work...why didnt i think of that...


Jul 15, 2005
dont worry about it i was driveing home and saw some girls yelling well what i got from it is that somebody tryed to run them over so i pulled in a parking spot and waited shure enuff they called the police i head dispach send a unit there after about five min, the officer calles for back up this a second unit arrives this a segerent arrives well were sitting there mind you we have 2 scanners going they keep looking at us then one of the officers and the sergent come over and ask if we seen anything with both scanners in site and all the other radio stuff i have i say nope just watching and they dident have a problem with that i sat there the whole half hour and they dident mind,oh yea i got there before the police did lol

here is a pic

there are to cars parked side by side and then the sargent is the one on the left side


Jan 10, 2002
St Gabriel, Louisiana
^^^^WTF? That is exactily the opposite of what I'd do.
I see or hear of something like that going on I get the heck out of the area. No way am I going to hang out in front of a store at night after an incident occured between straingers then take photos of po po when they finally show up.


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
on the road to Nonesuch, Ky...
Nitsud said:
. . . and I know I need some type of permit to even have a scanner in KY..thanks in advance

Actually it isn't a permit. There are some exceptions, but generally, without a HAM Ticket, you can't have one in your car or outside your home.... and you take a chance at having them taken from you without a trial. There is a thread in the Kentucky Forum discussing the issue including some links to study on line for the Tech Ticket...


Oct 1, 2006
Irvine, KY
Plus, I'll add that having a ham ticket will open other doors for you as well. Being able to legally have a scanner is just a fringe benefit.

If you become a ham operator, you'll soon find out it's a rather fun and rewarding hobby. It can be as expensive as you want it to be. I know lots of hams who have over $20,000 in radio equipment, and I know some who only have a $99.99 walkie talkie. Lots of the things you'll learn in the study books for your ham ticket, you can also put to use in the scanning hobby!


May 24, 2007
Greenwich, CT
cellblock776 said:
^^^^WTF? That is exactily the opposite of what I'd do.
I see or hear of something like that going on I get the heck out of the area. No way am I going to hang out in front of a store at night after an incident occured between straingers then take photos of po po when they finally show up.

I agree with you on that.


Oct 1, 2006
Irvine, KY
policeMonitor said:
dont worry about it i was driveing home and saw some girls yelling well what i got from it is that somebody tryed to run them over so i pulled in a parking spot and waited shure enuff they called the police i head dispach send a unit there after about five min, the officer calles for back up this a second unit arrives this a segerent arrives well were sitting there mind you we have 2 scanners going they keep looking at us then one of the officers and the sergent come over and ask if we seen anything with both scanners in site and all the other radio stuff i have i say nope just watching and they dident have a problem with that i sat there the whole half hour and they dident mind,oh yea i got there before the police did lol

here is a pic

there are to cars parked side by side and then the sargent is the one on the left side

That's whack-tastic!!


Jan 9, 2007
I'm in VA and I've never had any trouble ... but then I do know most of the leos in my area :) plus, I did just get my amature radio license, not to have a scanner, but because it really is a fun hobby (and expensive lol) ... but I did see that thread about KY and that sounds whack, I would just leave the scanners locked in the trunk ... but like they said before, if you want to get your ham license, do it for the right reasons ... try they have practice quizes and thats all i studied for the technician class license ... good luck :)


Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
Hey nitsud (and cc: motorhead):

nitsud, you've seen my vehicle, how many antennas do I have? usually 4 or 5, right? the pd there in your county has "privacy plus" scrambling that they can and do use whenever they want so you can't hear them. I would probably guess that a majority of VFD guys have scanners, or should if they don't.

It may be possible that they are just probing you to see what kind of reaction they get since you are, to them, still a kid. Be nice and talk respectfully to them but somehow let them know that you're on their side. Really, if you were comitting crimes, would you plop an antenna out there for everyone to see?

I've been bugging you to get a license, go to Barnes and Noble and get "Getting Started in Amateur Radio". Its in the technology section next to the computer books. I'm sorry I haven't called you, I've been busy running back and forth to Waynesboro getting parts to fix storm and heat damage. I promise I'll give you a call. Cell number the same?

motorhead: thanks for your usual helpful reasoned replies.
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