The official story
Sorry this took a while guys. I'm in the middle of a bunch of different things at the moment...
Every agency involved is pretty tight-lipped about this and are referring media inquiries to the CSP Public Information Officer. That decision was apparently made last night by cooler heads that arrived on-scene and calmed things down and to control the flow of information to the media. There is a meeting scheduled for next Thursday to discuss this incident between all the agencies involved. Nobody was willing to tell me when and where that meeting will take place.
Here's what I've been able to scrape together from various official sources: This occured at Coal Mine and Pierce, which explains why Littleton PD wasn't involved. According to CSP, it was a one vehicle crash involving a suspected DUI driver. The driver was administered a test by portable breathalizer. It's results indicated impairment, but not enough for a DUI charge. At some point, a single trooper and a single Littleton Firefighter got into it about transporting the driver to a hospital or not. I cannot tell you what, if any, medical complaint the driver did or did not have. Beyond that, all CSP will say it that the incident is "under investigation" and that the media is "making a mountain out of a molehill." The trooper I talked to was very professional and has a long history of dealing with the Denver media and knows that defining the proportions of mountains and molehills isn't up to him. (Kudos to him for trying, though) CSP also confirms that no emergency vehicles were towed, no firefighters were arrested and the patient, who was arrested, was NOT transported to a hospital. Read: Jail.
CSP: 1
LFD: 0
I can give you third-hand, unofficial information that their disagreement did escallate to the silly point of calling in tow-trucks for emergency vehicles Specifically the Batt Chief's Suburban and a heavy wrecker for one of Littleton's engines. (How'd you like to be a tow truck driver and get that call in the middle of the night?) The arrest of firefighters was also threatened. I cannot confirm how many people threatened to make arrests, and how many were threatened with arrest. Jeffco has an "assist to other agency" report filed regarding this, but has no details of the incident. I'm assuming this guy went to the Jeffco Jail, and is probably out by now. That is only my assumption.
I can tell you that since there were no firefighters arrested and no emergency vehicles towed, Channel 4 isn't persuing this story for tonight. (11-22) Just for grins, after Thanksgiving, I'm going to get a copy of the CSP crash report and the green sheets from the Jeffco jail and see if there's any other info to glean out of them. If I find anything of signifigance, I'll post it here. If anyone is aware of some kind of long-standing bad blood between Littleton Fire and CSP, or other extended conflicts between any other emergency services, please e-mail me and tell me what you know. If it affects the efficiency of Public Safety agencies in the performance of their duties, it's a story that needs to be out there. But if this is an isolated incident where two guys just had a disagreement, it probably is a molehill...
Thanks all I've got. Happy Thankgiving!
P.S. Jim- You are absolutely right about speculating. Way too easy to go off on tangents in this forum. My apologies. I should know better. (Didn't have my coffee yet.)