lock up on 396T on attempt to update firmware

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Apr 2, 2002
Hey guys(and girls), just tried to update firmware yesterday, and something about the file being corrupted, so stopped the update, and now, the scanner will NOT turn on! When I enter the "L/O" and "6" buttons, then attach the power cord, the display lights up as if updating firmware, but all other buttons will not work on scanner, so evidently, the scanner is now "locked" into firmware update mode. Any ideas on how to unlock this, other than retrying firmware update? Also, anybody with step-by-step instructions on how to do this, after downloading the firmware installer and update onto the PC? My holdup is opening the necessary files to get the job done. Any help, would be greatly appreciated!! thanks in advance.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
HBdigital1 said:
Hey guys(and girls), just tried to update firmware yesterday, and something about the file being corrupted, so stopped the update, and now, the scanner will NOT turn on! When I enter the "L/O" and "6" buttons, then attach the power cord, the display lights up as if updating firmware, but all other buttons will not work on scanner, so evidently, the scanner is now "locked" into firmware update mode. Any ideas on how to unlock this, other than retrying firmware update? Also, anybody with step-by-step instructions on how to do this, after downloading the firmware installer and update onto the PC? My holdup is opening the necessary files to get the job done. Any help, would be greatly appreciated!! thanks in advance.
When you go into firmware update mode, by holding down the "L/O" & the "6" keys, the display lights up with a blank screen, but no keys work. That part is normal.

The most common failures in the firmware updates have been:
Wrong file downloaded
File saved to the wrong location, so that the firmware updater can't find it.
Wrong COM port selected
PC cable not fully inserted (this one will fool you; the end looks like it's in all the way, but has slipped out just enough to terminate the process).
And the most common problem: Your browser has saved the update with the wrong extension on it. Depending on your browser (IE, Firefox, etc), and your pc's security settings, when you downloaded the file, your browser may have either changed the file's extension, or appended a new extension, usually ".txt" on the end of the file. After you download the firmware update (the current is BCD396T_V1_11_03.zip), you'll need to unzip it. The unzipped file should be named BCD396T_V1_11_03.scn, and will be about 2.7mb (2,715kb in size). Since you are getting a 'corrupted file' message, if you are unsure of the reason, download the file again, then unzip it.

You also, I presume, have downloaded and installed the firmware update loader. BC_VUP. If you have installed it to the default location, it will be at C:\Program Files\Uniden\BC_VUP on your pc. I prefer to save the unzipped firmware update file to that same folder, but you can save it to a different location if you like. Just remember you'll have to navigate to it during the update process.

Run the firmware program, BC_VUP. You may find a shortcut for it on your desktop, created when you installed the program. If not, select Start->Programs->Uniden->BC_VUP
Choose Guided mode and follow the onscreen directions.
Connect the pc cable.
Put the scanner into firmware update mode by pressing the 'L/O' and '6" keys while plugging in the power adapter.
Choose the correct "COM" port.
When you get to the file menu, you'll have to select the firmware file to use. If the file is not visible, then navigate to the location where you saved BCD396T_V1_11_03.scn, highlight it, and press "OK". Don't disconnect the scanner whill the update is in progress.
There some troubleshooting steps in the firmware update release notes as well.
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