Because there have been so many delays in this project, i.e. 3 years at least, Airwave are providing fire brigades with an interim voice solution on Airwave until they move to their respective Regional Control Centres in 2009-2010.
At least a few brigades should be on Airwave by this time next year. One interesting point is whether they will be patching Airwave onto the VHF system until all brigade regions "go live". There's surely an interoprerability issue if some areas are on Airwave whilst some still on 70mhz AM/FM. There is probably a 1 year gap between the first ones going live to the last ones.
Interesting stuff. Fire comms should have been upgraded years ago and allot of the systems still running are at least 20 years old and show it! However some had the foresight to replace their systems knowing government contracts are NEVER on time!
Alot arn't happy though that fireground portables wern't included as some brigades still use HT600e's! Most use Maxon SL55 ones though.