Looking for entry-level Analog Spectrum Analyzer

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Jun 16, 2022
Hi Folks,
As someone who's always been fascinated by electronics, I'm built up a collection of boxes filled with various micro-electronic components in the hope that I would someday begin to understand them. That day is still very far away but as I gain a little more time, I hope to make some progress.

I've also purchased a good number of instruments such as; scopes, SFGs, Variacs, AC multimeters, etc., etc. However, one thing I don't have is a Frequency Analyzer and I'm beginning to see how important they can be.

I found a few that cover the Ham radio ranges but they're brand new digitals and start at about $1000. I'm wondering if anyone has an old, but good working analog FA that they may have replaced with a digital version, and would like to sell it rather than let it collect dust.

I scrolled through numerous items in the Radio Reference classifieds but it's a time consuming search because of the many items listed. I was surprised that I could find a search bar in that section. Maybe the administrator would consider placing a search bar in the classifieds, (or is it there and I'm I overlooking it somehow?!)

To the Administrators: Please forgive me if this question is not in the correct category. I couldn't think of a better place to post it.


Jun 16, 2022
Wow! So that unit can deal with the radio frequencies that span the 10, 11, 12, 40, etc. meter radios?!

I know it gives the specs there in the ad but I'm an "entry-level" hobbyist. I didn't see the "AM" band in that ad when I saw it a few months ago, and the one group of frequencies I wanted to check were those in the 11 meter CB radios.

I must thank you for this and if it can measure the CB frequencies, I'm going to have to jump on it.
PS I just added you to my follow list. I figure I may learn something, ;)
PSS OK, so I see that it can measure CB and I'm going to buy it right now!
Thanks again!!


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Wow! So that unit can deal with the radio frequencies that span the 10, 11, 12, 40, etc. meter radios?!

I know it gives the specs there in the ad but I'm an "entry-level" hobbyist. I didn't see the "AM" band in that ad when I saw it a few months ago, and the one group of frequencies I wanted to check were those in the 11 meter CB radios.

I must thank you for this and if it can measure the CB frequencies, I'm going to have to jump on it.
PS I just added you to my follow list. I figure I may learn something, ;)
PSS OK, so I see that it can measure CB and I'm going to buy it right now!
Thanks again!!

Those are annoying little boxes, but thanks to the software, they do so much they are hard to ignore. I've got a $20K spectrum analyzer at work, and it does some amazing stuff. It'll run circles around the little <$100 one I bought off Amazon a few years ago, but it's handy to have around and it's a good learning tool. Probably also a lot cheaper and a lot less headaches than buying some used, overpriced, piece of junk.

That one has an RF generator in it, so you can use it for sweeping antennas. Way better than an SWR meter and will tell you a lot about your antenna.
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