I'm guessing you're referring to HF, since you said you're getting your general class.
I have an ICOM IC-7300, but if I were to do it all over again I'd get the Yaesu FTdx10 as a first radio. It has a far superior receiver, and I've had had better luck using friend's FTdx10 at QSO parties, and Field Day. But this is just my 30+ years of experience. I've owned and used many radios over that time, and I just like the Yaesu better.
Ham radios are like automobiles, everyone has their 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice picks. Like GM, Chrysler, Ford, we have ICOM, Yaesu, and Kenwood. It also kinda boils down to what you want to do? If you want something a bit more portable, I've had my eye on the Yaesu FT-891 for POTA and other short term portable operations, and currently have an ICOM IC-7000 which is also a mobile HF that has VHF/UHF in it too. So maybe you could share some more idea of what or how you want to use your new radios, at home only? mobile? portable? a mixture?
Also in the meantime, you don't even need a radio, there are a ton of good WebSDR receivers all over the world that you can totally control with your mouse and keyboard online and it'll give you a great experience at listening. You can go to
http://kiwisdr.k3fef.com:8073/ for one of my personal favorites. Very good receiver here. The main page is at
Wideband shortwave radio receiver map