My agency currently is on the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) trunked system and are wanting to encrypt our channels.
Speaking to LCRA, they say we need a KVL5000 to do this but am having trouble finding one online. Does anyone know where I can find one or happen to have one they’re willing to part ways with at a reasonable price?
If you have to have a KVL5000, call Motorola. That way you can get exactly what you need, with warranty and support.
Seriously, the KVL5000 is pretty new, like only a couple of years old; finding one on the used market would be difficult at best. In addition, whatever you get used may not have the features and encryption flavors you need, and you would end up spending beaucoup bucks getting feature upgrades from Motorola; any savings from buying used would be lost in paying for upgrades.
Your best bet for finding a used KVL would be a KVL4000, and even then I'm not sure I'd hold my breath.
Unless they're using link layer authentication, I'm not sure why LCRA specified a KVL5000 as pretty much any recent keyloader would work for key loading, even the
KFDShield – OCS Store.
You could also try using ARC4 encryption (Harris calls this "encryption lite," Motorola calls it "ADP"). It's not super robust but it would accomplish the purpose of encrypting your signals; no keyloader needed, you just put the encryption key in the codeplug.