It could be a few reasons. You could have had 1 system in the database and you checked "Delete All Systems In The Scanner". It's always a good ideal to download from the scanner first so you can see what's in the scanner and the ProScan and Scanner databases are in sync.Lost all but one system on scanner. Using Proscan.
No. Only my NEXEDGE system shows. I have no upload or download buttons any more.Whole lower line missingDo the systems still appear in Proscan itself? If yes, then upload to scanner
View attachment 117340
Since you're a Premium Subscriber, can you import then from the RRDB?No. Only my NEXEDGE system shows. I have no upload or download buttons any more.Whole lower line missing
ok i wil try that. What is a safe way to shut Proscan off? How can I save settings if I get it fixed on a computer file?You'll need to re-download what you're missing from the Radioreference web service feature in Proscan
Database --> Import • • RadioReference Web (Subscription Required) - Imports data from the RadioReference Web Service.
I do not find Database in scanner MenuHere's how. Click Save As, name the file & store it in a safe place. If you make any mods to existing file, click "save"
View attachment 117343
Do you use Restore Points on your PC?RR Database will not let me find Baxter County Mototrbo sheriff dept freqs
RR Database will not let me find Baxter County Mototrbo sheriff dept freqs
I do not know if I have a restore point from 1 or 2 days ago but I will try that.
Why was your post deleted? No. I got that one back.Is this the system?
Mountain Home (NexEDGE) Trunking System, Mountain Home, Arkansas
Mountain Home (NexEDGE) Trunking System
I was in the process of making a better screenshot. If you got that back then why are you asking " RR Database will not let me find Baxter County Mototrbo sheriff dept freqs"Why was your post deleted? No. I got that one back.
I got my NEXEDGE files back, it is my Baxter County AR sheriff MOTOTRBO files I cannot get thru RR import. I cannot find MOTOTRBO option thereI was in the process of making a better screenshot. If you got that back then why are you asking " RR Database will not let me find Baxter County Mototrbo sheriff dept freqs"
Thank you. I will see that wiki article. I appreciate your help and patience.I suspect you are simply looking in the wrong place. There's a sheriff patch on tg15 on the Mountain Home trunk, but the sheriff frequencies are mostly DMR- for which you can update your scanner - and shown here
I strongly suggest you spend some time on the wiki article I gave you earlier...Mike