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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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LPE-200 Upgrade

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Premium Subscriber
Jul 12, 2003
Is there a way to tell which processor your LPE has if it has a non standard model number? I have an LPE-200 System radio that has a black Ericcson tag on back of the casting. The tag reads

KRD 103 103/A242 R2A
SER#:***AC8W 01115
CANADA: TR-336 287194340NA

Then, above the battery, on the casting lip is a white bar-coded sticker which has two alpha-numeric codes with the following model number under that code, KRD103103/A204 R2A

So does this radio in fact have the C50 processor, as indicated by the radio's tag, or the C56 processor, as indicated by the sticker? The feature code list reads 04 12 23. The radio does have 1024K flash size but Flash Version P1R11D00, DSP ROM I4R05D01 AND PRS Version 30.00

I have no breakdown chart to decipher any of this. I would like to add a few features to this radio. I've seen references to an upgrade referred to as a "front PA and cover mod." I'm fairly confident I know what that means, but would like confirmation. Anyone with detailed information is invited to PM me.

My main goal is to find out what the radio is capable of doing. Any info/direction is greatly appreciated.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 12, 2003
WCRadioGuy said:
trash the radio.

Doesn't that seem like drastic advice? The radio works fine as-is. It just does not have many features. I have no contacts, nor phone numbers for M/A-Com, until now, so perhaps I'll call him.

Is he helpful and knowledgeable? In the past, I've called them in reference to a few issues I was having with a VHF M-RK. They would not even call me back. Kept telling me they had to "check on that" every time I asked a question. Left a REALLY bad taste in my month.


John McClane
Nov 20, 2003
Nakatomi Plaza
rmiles said:
Doesn't that seem like drastic advice? The radio works fine as-is. It just does not have many features. I have no contacts, nor phone numbers for M/A-Com, until now, so perhaps I'll call him.

Is he helpful and knowledgeable? In the past, I've called them in reference to a few issues I was having with a VHF M-RK. They would not even call me back. Kept telling me they had to "check on that" every time I asked a question. Left a REALLY bad taste in my month.

you must not have been talking to Mark....

He was referring to Marl's 'skills' , when telling you if he doesn't know, then trash the radio...


May 5, 2004
Salisbury, MD
That's right. Basically saying, if Mark doesn't know, it's probably not worth knowing. Sorry, I didn't mean it the way it sounded. Mark is great, give him a call.

jparks29 said:
you must not have been talking to Mark....

He was referring to Marl's 'skills' , when telling you if he doesn't know, then trash the radio...


Premium Subscriber
Jul 12, 2003
Thanks for clearing that up. I have not been able to get in touch with him yet. I have been doing a little research. According to the M/A-Com TAC Radio Flashcode and ADI/DSP Codes vs Radio Type matrix, as of 25-Jan-05 ADI/DSP file I4R05K01 is the correct version for a LPE-200 with AEGIS and ProVoice capable hardware (C56 processor) The radio I have has an ADI/DSP file of I4R05D01, so I would assume from this that the radio I have does indeed have a C56 processor and is ProVoice capable. I just need to purchase the feature from TAC. Do any of you know if it's worth upgrading the ADI/DSP file version, or if K is still the most current?


Getting tired of all the stupidity.
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
So how are those guys about helping to get a radio back up and running that's been through heck and back, been sold as scrap, repaired, and has residual software/firmware issues, like a feature error? Especially if the radio is an 800 MHz model and has ProVoice or other "valuable" options in it?

Are they going to tell the private user to go pound sand? Send the PD to his house? Or just give him the info?



Feb 24, 2001
C50 = 512k memory Aegis Upgrade? Yes, ProVoice Upgrade? No
C56 = 1024K or 1 MEG memory, Aegis Upgrade? yes , ProVoice Upgrade? Yes

If you do not know what you have just go to your features menu and look to see what you have for a memory value.


Getting tired of all the stupidity.
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
If you don't have the original feature string, you're probably sunk if you can't get it from Macom.

It can't hurt to call them...but I'd do it from a pay phone if I were paranoid.

Contact info....Google is your friend. You know the company's name. Add RADIO to it and you will find it.


May 5, 2004
Salisbury, MD
M/A-Com phone number.... 1-800-528-7711

ElroyJetson said:
If you don't have the original feature string, you're probably sunk if you can't get it from Macom.

It can't hurt to call them...but I'd do it from a pay phone if I were paranoid.

Contact info....Google is your friend. You know the company's name. Add RADIO to it and you will find it.
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