WS1080: Main menu different after corrupt/repaired SD card?

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Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina

:eek: Wall wart connection to scanner failed for some reason, batteries went low, safety shutoff(?), when discovered and replaced batteries, radio seemed fine and listened to scanlist '1' for a while. Went to update database, process hung with 'no response' for quite a while at one point of the database update. :eek:

o_O My night went south from there. Finally got the radio to be recognized after invoking 'Task Manager' to 'End Process', restarting, database update fails again. Task Manager invoked due to 'No response' (again), and upon reconnecting scanner windows flagged card @ drive error so I went ahead with error check, 100% OK. Database updated fine after that. Turned on radio, scanlists (three of them '152, 156, 169) in display and scanning (unknown, not selected, and never seen before). Tried the database update again, all OK. I go to 'main menu' and the list doesn't have 'Set Location' below 'Scanlists' and above 'Browse Library'. Since something screwed the pooch, I want to start from square one and use the 'Set Location' menu (it is gone). and program using my zip code. How do I restore the 'Menu'? o_O

:unsure: Never seen this before and looked/searched for something like this here in RR search found nothing with multiple keywords. Am I missing something??? :unsure:



Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina

:eek: Wall wart connection to scanner failed for some reason, batteries went low, safety shutoff(?), when discovered and replaced batteries, radio seemed fine and listened to scanlist '1' for a while. Went to update database, process hung with 'no response' for quite a while at one point of the database update. :eek:

o_O My night went south from there. Finally got the radio to be recognized after invoking 'Task Manager' to 'End Process', restarting, database update fails again. Task Manager invoked due to 'No response' (again), and upon reconnecting scanner windows flagged card @ drive error so I went ahead with error check, 100% OK. Database updated fine after that. Turned on radio, scanlists (three of them '152, 156, 169) in display and scanning (unknown, not selected, and never seen before). Tried the database update again, all OK. I go to 'main menu' and the list doesn't have 'Set Location' below 'Scanlists' and above 'Browse Library'. Since something screwed the pooch, I want to start from square one and use the 'Set Location' menu (it is gone). and program using my zip code. How do I restore the 'Menu'? o_O

:unsure: Never seen this before and looked/searched for something like this here in RR search found nothing with multiple keywords. Am I missing something??? :unsure:


:( Forgot to mention, reloaded CPU & DSP F/W, no change. Also, just for 'whatever', the three 'Scanlists identified, are the three that were in scanlist 1. Fact is, the 'Set Location' is still missing... Strange... :(

:confused: Never knew there was a time limit to 'edit', missed that by a few, so I had to 'reply'... Never seen that B4 either... LOL :confused:



Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
When you update the library, the service types are normally sorted in scan lists 151 and above. Under the General Settings tab in EZ Scan, if Set Location is On (lower right corner of page), the higher scan lists are available to be used by the library (You can see which service types are enabled). If set to Off, scan lists 151-200 are available for your own use. Also, under the Advanced Features tab, check which scan sets are enabled and which scan lists are in each scan set. Check Scan Set Mode. That is normally set to "Scan Sets Require Scan List to be enabled".


Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina
When you update the library, the service types are normally sorted in scan lists 151 and above. Under the General Settings tab in EZ Scan, if Set Location is On (lower right corner of page), the higher scan lists are available to be used by the library (You can see which service types are enabled). If set to Off, scan lists 151-200 are available for your own use. Also, under the Advanced Features tab, check which scan sets are enabled and which scan lists are in each scan set. Check Scan Set Mode. That is normally set to "Scan Sets Require Scan List to be enabled".

:) Thank you for your reply. I am trying to understand what happened to the 'set location' in 'Menu' since the card's corruption (maybe it hasn't been there for a while, I hadn't needed or wanted it to be accessed/changed). I am trying to follow you (it is complicated since my issue) but I was (used to be) able to follow simple easy setup since, but not lately. I'll try to adjust what you offered, but am I missing something like a recent 'database' upload, that made the simpler zip code (carried over from the legacy upgrade) moot in the menu? I thought I had seen it there recently, so it seems lost tonight when the card went south. Appreciate the help, thanks. :)

:) All settings are as you indicated ie: General tab, Set Location = ON. Advanced Features Tab, Scan set mode = as you listed, Chart below ## 01 column underneath Alpha tag = Play Set 01 = Enabled (checked) column 'Scanlists' = 1-200, SW. Nothing else checked or listed. Am I concise here? :)

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Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina

:eek: I just 'opened' 'Play Set 1' in Scan Sets box. The list there is what is listed on the display now (when scanning) instead of 'law dispatch, law tac, and law talk' I now get 'Scanlist 152', 'Scanlist 156', and 'Scanlist 169'. :eek:

:unsure: The decode audio is like before (if I don't look at it it is working but the screen/display changed, and the 'set location' in menu is missing)... Is this the new normal, or did I crap something else when the card corrupted??? :unsure:

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Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina

:( Sorry, shutting down here physically... 21+ hours this day, hard to keep eyes open let alone being exhausted mentally. Fresh start hopefully 0450 (ish), like usual. Will check in earlist depending on if alarm clock survives (or I actually get up). Thanks for any & all assistance. :)



Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina
If Set Location is Off in EZ Scan, you will see scan list numbers instead of the service types.

:) Good morning tvengr, the alarm clock survived but I just (10 min ago) dragged me butt outa bed. Hot Cupa java and I'm almost ready. EZ-scan Ver 2.50, Tab 1 'General settings', bottom right 'Set Location', is 'On' has always been. The 'Set Location' that is missing is on the radio, when 'Menu' button is pressed. :eek:

:confused: On the radio, I press 'Menu', (the 5 lines on screen are, in order), Scan, Scanlists, Browse Library, Browse Objects, Program Menu ('Set Location' isn't there any more). I hadn't changed anything it just disappeared. :confused:

:alien: To me, for sure... Best described here @ time 32 seconds. [ Whistler WS1080 Police Scanner | Introduction & Overview - YouTube ]. I just could not find a picture of it anywhere...

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Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
On my scanner, Set Location is between Scanlists and Browse Library. I suspect that if that option is not available on the scanner that EZ Scan cannot change it. I have the EZ Scan app v2.50 and CPU firmware v4.8. Since you lost power, this sounds like one of those squirrelly problems caused by a corrupted SD card. Have you tried changing the card?


Premium Subscriber
Aug 13, 2009
and upon reconnecting scanner windows flagged card @ drive error

I get that all the time when I connect the radio to the computer. At first, I would scratch my head trying to figure out what was causing it. But, eventually, I just ignored it, with no after effects.


Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina
On my scanner, Set Location is between Scanlists and Browse Library. I suspect that if that option is not available on the scanner that EZ Scan cannot change it. I have the EZ Scan app v2.50 and CPU firmware v4.8. Since you lost power, this sounds like one of those squirrelly problems caused by a corrupted SD card. Have you tried changing the card?

:) Thanks for again trying to help, no I haven't changed the card, mostly because I don't have another card to use. All the software is the latest (every time I updated the database, I use the 'check for all updates' option (in case Whistler updates anything else between database updates). The smallest ones I can access without shelling out a rediculous amount of $ have their downsides because of boot times associated with the way the radio hardware boots the micro SD (pensioned vet on a tight budget, needs only, no wants). I once tried to stick a regular 512mb SD card but it didn't fit (humor, sorry, I know bad joke). Maybe I should just start from scratch and wipe the card, only thing is I don't remember how to... I am afraid if I 'save' what is in the radio, it'll just reinstall the 'corrupted' way it is currently working. I can live with reinitializing the scanner using my zip code because I only use it in a very limited fashion. Setting preferences, all user setable and easy to 'follow' to get it right back to what I was used to/comfortable with. :)



Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina
I get that all the time when I connect the radio to the computer. At first, I would scratch my head trying to figure out what was causing it. But, eventually, I just ignored it, with no after effects.

:) Yeah, I am almost at that point. Am also considering just wiping the card/radio/EZ-scan essentially starting over from scratch, if the legacy upgraded radios can do that (afraid if I wipe everything it'll need an expensive trip to Whistler). Also, I haven't been able (searched RR) to find a post here (or at Whistler) for the legacy upgraded radios, to basically wipe the radio and 'start like out of the box'. If you know of a simple step-by-step procedure, I'll do it. Maybe an inquiry to Whistler support might help, I cannot believe I didn't think of that until now... :)



Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
Even if you have a problem with a legacy upgraded scanner, there is an updater file on the Whistlergroup site for reloading the firmware for an upgraded scanner. If you have an archive file for the configuration you want, go to the Scanner/SD Card tab and Prepare Scanner Memory/SD Card for use. Format the card and then Copy Configuration To Scanner Memory/SD Card.


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
If the above procedure does not solve the problem, reloading the firmware may be the answer. What was your original scanner?
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Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina

:( Latest, this IS an official upgraded Pro-668 to the cloned WS-1080. I had already tried reloading the F/W (post 2, and yes the one for the legacy updts) but as the night/next day went on, I decided to try the 'Prepare scanner SD card' in EZ-scan. That action made the entire process moot because when I tried it, the action failed (error) TWICE with an almost empty SD card. I finally found a post almost like mine, and decided to completely uninstall EZ-scan (remember the card was not working at all (also deleted the folder in Windows, and checking the registry if any remnants were left over, yes one 'folder', deleted it). After getting the card back to clean (in the SD tool), I reinstalled EZ-scan (ver, almost everything is back to normal. Seems I also have a problem with the card reader so I ordered a new one AND another MiniSD card. Right now I cannot seem to get the scanner to 'keep' the selections I made (which is why the new reader/card ordered).. I tried various 'State, County, City, & Zip code. It loads everything but nothing comes over the radio. When the new card comes, I'll start from scratch again (maybe, just maybe, it is the card giving me all these different results?). So, I have 'Set Location' back on the radio menu, and when the new card and reader gets here, it might be the answer to why the radio isn't receiving anything. I may even have to redo the uninstall/wipe of EZ-scan, and reload the F/W's again. With a new card, that should eliminate everything except an actual hardware problem (gawd, hope not)... Till next time. :(



Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Central Illinois
Program Menu
Global Settings
Location Select is the last item. The box must be checked for Set Location to appear.



Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina

:cool: With the help from a very helpful member tvengr, the radio is 100% again. In this case multiple domino faults (hardware/card/card reader) fixed, but the last thing seemed impossible, so I asked this member for assistance. This last hurdle to getting it right (operator's mental block), solved with his help and everything is working 100% GREAT. Thank you tvengr! :cool:

:D Admin, you may close the post, please! :D

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