Wall wart connection to scanner failed for some reason, batteries went low, safety shutoff(?), when discovered and replaced batteries, radio seemed fine and listened to scanlist '1' for a while. Went to update database, process hung with 'no response' for quite a while at one point of the database update. 
My night went south from there. Finally got the radio to be recognized after invoking 'Task Manager' to 'End Process', restarting, database update fails again. Task Manager invoked due to 'No response' (again), and upon reconnecting scanner windows flagged card @ drive error so I went ahead with error check, 100% OK. Database updated fine after that. Turned on radio, scanlists (three of them '152, 156, 169) in display and scanning (unknown, not selected, and never seen before). Tried the database update again, all OK. I go to 'main menu' and the list doesn't have 'Set Location' below 'Scanlists' and above 'Browse Library'. Since something screwed the pooch, I want to start from square one and use the 'Set Location' menu (it is gone). and program using my zip code. How do I restore the 'Menu'? 
Never seen this before and looked/searched for something like this here in RR search found nothing with multiple keywords. Am I missing something??? 