That's interesting. I always assumed based on some educational thinking it was the chips that were fried. Thus vacuum tubes should hold up to an EMP or CME from the sun.
Yes, yet another subforum for SHTF would be nice.
I decided to start this thread, based on the above comment in another thread. For this thread, I am thinking large scale disasters, such as large volcano explosions, Hurricane Katrina, 2004 Tsunami, nuclear weapon detonation, 1993 Mississippi River flood, etc.
That opens up the discussion of infrastructure availability, or lack of it. One of the reasons that gets interesting, is that vacuum tube/valve gear tends to survive single event upsets, such as EMP, better. It takes a lot more energy to have the heater filaments operating. Would it be better to make an emergency kit, using something like a SOTA setup, and store it in a sealed and shielded container?
Lots of factors to consider.