There are only a select few talk-groups that are re-broadcast/linked Statewide. They include NorthStar, SouthStar, State Parks PD (and related TG's), State Fire Coordinators, EMRAD, some of the Radio Technician Testing, StateCom, and a couple of others that I can't think of off the top of my head. For all of the others, like it was previously said, you have to be in the Zone that the transmission is originating from, or have a radio on in that Zone to re-broadcast it. Example: B2-15 is in Troop B zone. If a radio is on in the Troop C zone with B2-15 on, the you will hear B2-15 in Troop B and C zones, but not Troop A zone. If C3-15 is on in the Troop C zone, and a radio has them on in the Troop A and B zones, you will then hear C3-15 Statewide. This has been my observation that applies to all the talk-groups on the NJSP TRS.
As far as Atlantic County is concerned, a majority of the talk-groups are EDACS Pro-Voice digital. The only way you are going to hear those is to buy a Pro-Voice capable radio (not scanner), or work for a particular agency that performs dispatch/emergency management operations. You should be able to monitor those talk-groups that are marked A (analog) from the database, provided that the scanner is programmed correctly with the LCN's in order.