Making (E)Trunker log everything by default

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Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Apologies if this is rudimentary and/or published in documentation or in the forum; I certainly couldn't find it.

On a recent trip, I wanted to capture everything I could about an EDACS system that has never been logged before. I had a mobile computer running EWTrunk (3.84a3) which was tied to a scanner that was looking for the control channels of this system, while I drove (around 2000 km's worth!). My setup worked fairly well, except for the fact that every time I visited a new site, all the logging settings (affil, patch, etc) would reset to their default, "ign" (ignore), instead of my preferred setting of "bth" (both disk and screen). I checked the docs and found no way to set a logging level or some other config setting to force all of those to "bth" by default. Am I missing something or is this not available?


Try setting up a system ID of 1234 (the default ID used by the Trunker programs before an actual SysID or Site ID is decoded). Set the parameters on that system the way you want them. Then anytime the software detects a "new" system, it should apply your 1234 default settings to it.

I think the Trunker programs require a control channel to be present before you can manipulate any settings, so unless you know what the change when editing the .sys files by hand, you'll need to cheat a bit. Try copying a real system file that is configured the way you want to 1234sys.txt, then remove the system/site-specific info from the new copy.
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