I live right outside of Philadelphia with the Delaware Rive approximately 10 miles away. I was surprised that I would not be able to hear any traffic with a BCD536HP and a wide band discone outdoor antennas. Any suggestions
I live right outside of Philadelphia with the Delaware Rive approximately 10 miles away. I was surprised that I would not be able to hear any traffic with a BCD536HP and a wide band discone outdoor antennas. Any suggestions
If you are 10 miles from the river in the Philadelphia area and have a rooftop that is capable of VHF High then you should have no problem receiving the Coast Guard on channel 16 and 22, you may not get all of the boats but you certainly should get fixed stations on the river depending on exactly where you live.
Yeah I go way back to the change over to VHF High. I also agree about the difficulties in picking up the vessels themselves. We do have huge cargo ships on the Delaware with high mounted antennas. We also have a lot of Tugs because these ships need qualified pilots as the captains are not qualified on the river. It is a long distance that sector Delaware Bay covers and they do use various transmitters depending on their target direction.The Coast Guard transmitters are often on high ground on towers not close to the water (and often not close to USCG port facilities) so they are easily heard at a distance but if he is 10 miles from water, knowing the terrain around Philadelphia, hearing vessels may be difficult and perhaps not possible. Where I live I can hear CG transmissions on 16 (being renamed 1016), 22 (actually you mean 22A which is being renamed 1022), and other USCG channels using just an HT but in many years of monitoring, only heard a boat once on the Potomac River using a 48 ft tower and is half as far away as the USCG transmitter site. Additionally, when I drive down I-64 to Norfolk, I only hear vessels when I get quite close to there. Also, marine radios are limited to 25W--less than most mobile 2 meter rigs.
The radio and antennae are new and work on other frequencies.......
I listen to Marine transmissions all the time from 10-20 miles away. I do live on flat land in the Florida Keys with water all around. I can receive close marine transmissions with just a handheld in my vehicle around here. At home I have an outdoor discone only 15 feet high. Unless you have terrain with hills and large wooded areas, you should be able to receive Marine activity with an outdoor discone. I can listen to Marine on my Uniden BC125AT, Uniden BCT15X, BCD536, BCD436, SDS100, Uniden Atlantis 295 and Uniden UM415.
I live right outside of Philadelphia with the Delaware Rive approximately 10 miles away. I was surprised that I would not be able to hear any traffic with a BCD536HP and a wide band discone outdoor antennas. Any suggestions
How strong are you picking up the Advisories on CH22A 157.1000 ?Basically I have given up on anything other than receiving Coast Guard transmissions from Philly, Any ideas on those channels?