Mattoon Police Digital Radio - Coles County, IL


Premium Subscriber
Jan 12, 2023
Illinois, USA
I have heard that Mattoon Police has some digital P25 repeaters up and running and is using a mutlicast to their existing analog frequency for the time being.
Does anyone have any insight on this, or know the digital frequencies that they are using?


Jun 5, 2011
So Illinois
I found this info on the P25 and according to the emissions designator it is Phase 1 digital-conventional (not trunked). This doesn’t appear to be a VHF 1 frequency simulcast P25 system from the license. I would enter the frequencies as conventional P25 with both mobile and base frequencies. The mobiles are listed for 40 watts. I wonder if they are using voted receivers and only transmitting on a couple of locations. Each site might have a transmitter in the event there are system outages but only used as backup transmitters. Each site is listed as a mobile relay on the FCC license. From the Wiki page it appears the P25 repeaters went online in March 2023.

I copied the info below from the Wiki page linked on the Coles County info page in the data base section here on RR.

  • 3/23 - New license for repeaters 154.1525, 154.7325 (inputs on 159.1275, 159.225) at 5 sites for Police/Fire WRWS922 [1 site is in Charleston near the Airport]

I’m to far away to receive Coles county and I won’t likely be in the area for several months.

Hopefully someone closer to the area chimes in.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 12, 2023
Illinois, USA
Thank you both very very much for the response. I had seen the reference to the new repeaters on the main frequency page but couldn't figure out how to get to the wiki.

With that said, I have utilized a RS Pro 96 to tune to one of those frequencies that I have determined to be the repeater output for police dispatch. I am only getting bits of conversation at a time. This leads me to believe that they are utlizing a simulcast settup and the RS Pro 96 just doesn't handle simulcast.

I will have my SDS down here with me at college soon and I anticipate that it will handle the simulcast much better.