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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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MD782 vs MD782i

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Aug 21, 2020
Can anybody tell me the difference between these radios? Looking on ebay some are listed as MD782 and some are listed as MD782i

I will want to upgrade my radio with single frequency repeater and AES256 encryption. Can they both do that?

Also, the G in the model number just indicates that it has GPS correct?


Jan 30, 2015
OK, its super complicated and the Hytera documentation is misleading. I have a MD78xi with SFR, the UK got them really late (compared to the US) and me and the distributor tried to work out how to order one and is was confusing for us all.

As I understand it, there are two hardware variants of the MD78xi (its 785 in UK of course), full duplex and non-full duplex. This is really not (or was really not at the time) reflected in the datasheets. If you buy a MD78xi (normal) it is not possible to upgrade it with a sfr licence (or to upgrade it to full duplex). You have to buy the MD78xi full duplex model and the SFR licence can be added at time of purchase or later.

The MD78xi is a hardware revision (not just fimware) to the MD78x. There was a MD78x full duplex model but I don't believe there was an SFR licence.

The MD78xi full duplex model is approximatly the price of two MD78xi. . .

Makes going SFR expensive (especially when you look at the PD985 which includes the full duplex hardware and you only need to pay for the $100 SFR licence)

Correct, the G indicates that it has GPS. In hytera models with optional bluetooth, it often indicates that it has GPS+BT (e.g. PD98x)


Jan 30, 2015
(your other choice is the high power or low power variant. The hardware as best I can tell is identical between the two but the low power is firmware limited to 20w (and there is no simple workaround to this even if you have access to the Tuner software). Heatsinks and output stages are the same so there is no weight or other advantage to the 20w model. The HP model is 45w (from memory) but you can manually adjust max power in the CPS (e.g. in my van I have a antenna that can take 20w, so I limit the rig to 20w when its mobile).

To me if your going to put the money into a SFR rig, you might as well get the HP with GPS.


Jan 30, 2015
If your looking at one on ebay etc. then as an example my long model number is MD785-000G000D-00000i-U1-B-A

I believe this roughtly translates to
MD785-000G(GPS)000D(Duplex)-00000i(i variant)-U1 (400-470MHz)-B (High Power, A being low power)-A(no current meaning)


Dec 20, 2011
OK, its super complicated and the Hytera documentation is misleading. I have a MD78xi with SFR, the UK got them really late (compared to the US) and me and the distributor tried to work out how to order one and is was confusing for us all.

As I understand it, there are two hardware variants of the MD78xi (its 785 in UK of course), full duplex and non-full duplex. This is really not (or was really not at the time) reflected in the datasheets. If you buy a MD78xi (normal) it is not possible to upgrade it with a sfr licence (or to upgrade it to full duplex). You have to buy the MD78xi full duplex model and the SFR licence can be added at time of purchase or later.

The MD78xi is a hardware revision (not just fimware) to the MD78x. There was a MD78x full duplex model but I don't believe there was an SFR licence.

The MD78xi full duplex model is approximatly the price of two MD78xi. . .

Makes going SFR expensive (especially when you look at the PD985 which includes the full duplex hardware and you only need to pay for the $100 SFR licence)

Correct, the G indicates that it has GPS. In hytera models with optional bluetooth, it often indicates that it has GPS+BT (e.g. PD98x)

I’ve considered the PD98X, but haven’t found a battery eliminator anywhere, which in reality makes it impracticable even as an ad-hoc SFR.


Sep 26, 2019
If your looking at one on ebay etc. then as an example my long model number is MD785-000G000D-00000i-U1-B-A

I believe this roughtly translates to
MD785-000G(GPS)000D(Duplex)-00000i(i variant)-U1 (400-470MHz)-B (High Power, A being low power)-A(no current meaning)
M = mobile
D = dmr
7 = dmr mobile
8 = with keyboard
5 = europe+middleeast+africa
D = i dont know
i = i dont know
U1 = 400-470 MHz
B = Power(H=high, L=low, A=?, B=?)
A = PCB version

Source (slide 23):


Jan 30, 2015
I have a battery eliminator on mine. It is simply a PD7xx one but with the plastic trimmed slightly to fit. The batteries have tabs to stop the 7xx being fitted on the 9xx but otherwise they are the same. Took 5 mins to modify the battery eliminator with a dremel or hacksaw. I can probably do you a photo but it will take as much time to do a photo as it did to do the mod!
My modified PD7xx one is a 12v car one.
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Dec 20, 2011
I have a battery eliminator on mine. It is simply a PD7xx one but with the plastic trimmed slightly to fit. The batteries have tabs to stop the 7xx being fitted on the 9xx but otherwise they are the same. Took 5 mins to modify the battery eliminator with a dremel or hacksaw. I can probably do you a photo but it will take as much time to do a photo as it did to do the mod!
My modified PD7xx one is a 12v car one.

Thanks for the info! I was under the impression that they were completely different batteries.


Jan 30, 2015
Photos of 985 eliminator its own thread for easier future finding


Unhinged Conspiracy Theorist
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
To answer your first question - "i" versus "non-i": The i is their slightly newer "model". I call it the "indictment" model as I believe these models remove the offending software that infringed on Motorola's IPRs. I suspect it may be the same hardware, but different firmware. I upgraded my non-i version to i versions, by using V9x firmware. But placing this firmware in my older MD782G radios partially broke a few things (scanning performance and CTCSS decode performance), but did provide more features, like a limited auto dual-mode receive, etc.). Looking forward to trying SFR some day.
Apr 30, 2008
Pittsboro IN
A Hytera dealer said "i" means infringement series.

I had a SAR team test SFR on my PD982 eye in a cave test. Simplex sucks after a few turns, they got decent coverage on UHF with the SFR option, but still lacked comms after a few more turns.
Back around 2017 I was in the Irvine shop talking to the techs when one said the SFR was going to expand to a hopping system.

It finally showed up in a repeater system but was way to costly to compete with other technology.


Feed Provider
Apr 15, 2019
M = mobile
D = dmr
7 = dmr mobile
8 = with keyboard
5 = europe+middleeast+africa
D = i dont know
i = i dont know
U1 = 400-470 MHz
B = Power(H=high, L=low, A=?, B=?)
A = PCB version

Source (slide 23):

(I) Believe I=DMR and S=Analog through ip site connect


Feed Provider
Apr 15, 2019
FYI I have like 9 Hytera RD 982i units and about two of them are RD 982i-S The i units are local area analog and DRM but through IP site connect they are only (DMR) The RD 982i S units will do DMR AND ANALOG through ip site connect. Dealer didn't tell me that when I started buying the ( i ) units. I would of spent a bit more to have a few S units.
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