OK, its super complicated and the Hytera documentation is misleading. I have a MD78xi with SFR, the UK got them really late (compared to the US) and me and the distributor tried to work out how to order one and is was confusing for us all.
As I understand it, there are two hardware variants of the MD78xi (its 785 in UK of course), full duplex and non-full duplex. This is really not (or was really not at the time) reflected in the datasheets. If you buy a MD78xi (normal) it is not possible to upgrade it with a sfr licence (or to upgrade it to full duplex). You have to buy the MD78xi full duplex model and the SFR licence can be added at time of purchase or later.
The MD78xi is a hardware revision (not just fimware) to the MD78x. There was a MD78x full duplex model but I don't believe there was an SFR licence.
The MD78xi full duplex model is approximatly the price of two MD78xi. . .
Makes going SFR expensive (especially when you look at the PD985 which includes the full duplex hardware and you only need to pay for the $100 SFR licence)
Correct, the G indicates that it has GPS. In hytera models with optional bluetooth, it often indicates that it has GPS+BT (e.g. PD98x)