Sarcastic Member
Do any of the newer Kenwoods support MDC-1200 decoding ?
i have a tk-3180 with the firmware upgrade and mine does mdc1200 perfect, i love that radio, haha
i know with my 3180 your press a button while turning it on, and it will display but with the mobiles im not sure, just try holding a button while turning it on
Matt/Alarmguy...I have the mobiles and portable up and running...thanks for all the help and support I love the sound of that MDC-1200 squalk and now I can see who is calling me ! Now for the radio ID list..ugh.
Did you get my email ems
Hello, perhaps one of you can help me a little here. I have TK-xx80 series radio. Have the latest firmware installed in radio (v1.21), programming software (v1.60). Trying to get the MDC encode to work. Have the decode working as I like, but can not get the encode to transmit the MDC ID. What am I missing? In the "Model Information" tab signaling set to MDC-1200. I appreciate any help.