I have one question for the LEOS. When my local pd dispatch runs a plate on the radio, isnt that what MDT's are for? If not, what are MDT'S main purpose's?
yes they dophil_smith said:does you local PD have MDTs?
w4rez said:Judging from the voice traffic I hear locally, they spend more time trying to make the MDTs work than what they do actually using them. Who's bright idea was it to make those things Windows-based anyhow?
Who's joking? I'm certainly not.N_Jay said:The windows jokes are really stupid.
Nope.I would guess that any issues are coverage or back end.
I'm not sure I would want Linux in front of most officers. :roll:
landonjensen said:I have one question for the LEOS. When my local pd dispatch runs a plate on the radio, isnt that what MDT's are for? If not, what are MDT'S main purpose's?
w4rez said:Who's joking? I'm certainly not.
A well designed MDT system would make the underlying OS completely transparent to the end user. It could be Linux, MacOS X, or MSDOS for all they know or care. The system should require very little computer literacy to be able to operate. After all, they are being paid to be police officers, not computer geeks. Have you used a Tivo? Do you know that they run Linux? Do most people even care? Do you have to know Linux in order to be able to use one?
What would you do if your trunked system crashed or simply became inoperable as often as what your typical windows installation does? Why do you think some zone controllers are running Solaris instead of NT/2k/XP/Vista?
landonjensen said:When my dept says responding from MDC, what does this mean?
No and this is quite unfortunate. an MDT system need not be a general purpose computer. It would work quite nicely as an embedded system, and should be designed around an OS better suited to being embedded. My OS of choice would probably be QNX, or a stripped down and customized BSD variant.N_Jay said:1) Check out the trend in trunked system management OS's
2) Do you know of any MDT/MDC systems running other than MS in the vehicles?
3) Do you have any experience with an MDT/MDC system?
w4rez said:Not with MDT/MDC systems but I have tons of experience in all things networking and computer related. I could go into detail but I didn't know that I had to qualify my statements and opinions with a CV.
w4rez said:Not with MDT/MDC systems but I have tons of experience in all things networking and computer related. I could go into detail but I didn't know that I had to qualify my statements and opinions with a CV.
While this may be the case I'm not sure if it's a good trend. You can make a unix-based OS just as, if not more user-friendly than any MS offering. Apple has already proven that to us. Furthermore if I were developing and marketing mobile data communication equipment I would prefer to base it on one of the free Unix variants because this gives me much more control over every aspect of the finished product, and also gives me an enormous amount of customization that just isn't possible with MS.N_Jay said:With more and more mobile applications being developed, an embedded OS is no longer best for an MDT. That is why almost everyone has moved to MDCs.
I will agree with you here, at least. I quit running Linux as my primary desktop many years ago simply because the applications that I wantedand needed to use just weren't available under Linux. This does not have to be the case with MDCs, however.Think of the MDC as the desktop. Do you know many people running Linux on the desktop?
MS will never replace larger systems such as the Sunfire 15k, at least not without completely abandoning their current OS design in favor of something more scalable.There are lots of good choices for backend systems, but XP is starting to become preferred even in the old Unix world. There is a chance that the backed of large systems may never go 100% MS, but I would not bet my life on it.