9501 is Medic One EMS
They back up AMR , you will not hear much on AMR channels nationwide due to their cell phone system they use. AMR is not on the MHZ system.
I ran a Discovery session for the Megahertz system on my SDS200. Started it about 11PM last night, & ended today @ 6PM.
There were 159 hits captured, with a total of just under ten minutes of conversations recorded.
There is another EMS dispatch talkgroup using that TGID. The field units are using radio calls "Care 1, Care 2, Care 3...........". Sounds like non-emergency ground transportation, not EMS responses to individual calls. They are reporting their pickup and clear times, and mileage for the calls.
There were a few other calls, to "Medic 1" and "Medic 11". Not sure who this is, unless it's another dispatch partly connected with Medic One EMS. At one time, there was an EMS company, "CARE TRAN INC DBA DALLAS AMBULANCE", in Dallas County, on FCC license
WNXA417. That license was cancelled in 2004, and I do not see a new license issued, at least not under either of those names in Dallas County. Based on the addresses and hospitals being referenced, it appears that this activity is focused, for the most part, on Collin County. Of course, if they are exclusively using Megahertz, then they would not need a separate license of their own.