Only 1 Police Department in the county is using the MPSCS system other then DNR, MSP and that is Memphis. They are using it because they can't get out on the 460.350 due to the system being underpowered and old.
Algonac, Yale and Capac will be on board by Jan and a tentative complete change over date of Feb 10th 2007. So far the only PD's that have the new P25s in their cars are the following.
Marysville PD
Memphis PD
Algonac PD
Yale PD
Capac PD
Most of the FD's are using the MPSCS system on their fire grounds and Port Huron and Marysville are completely using the MPSCS for their entire opperations with a simulcast on the old VHF 154.415 due to toning and paging only being abel to be done on that because you can't do it on P25 yet.
All the Brownines (Sheriff) patrol cars will have the new radios installed by Jan but they will only be testing them on a irregular basis. County wanted to test the farther reaches first because they are the departments that can't be heard on the 460.350 UHF interface. Its bad when Capac gets in a fight or a chase and has to call it out on a cell phone.
The next hopes is that CN Rail Police will jump on board either the County's 800 P25 system or they will jump on the MSP system. Because as it stands they don't have radio capabilites with anyone but a dispatch for LEIN use in Shiawassee County via cell phone.
I feel bad for CNRPD because this is a MAJOR OFFICER SAFETY issue.