Did get a little wind & some rain here in Detroit, by City Airport. While watching the lighting to the west of me. The sky lit up Blue, Green, & then Red. Probably a transformer blowing. I did loose power only for a few seconds about 5 times when the wind was blowing. I need to report that to DTE. Probably some tree branches leaning on some wires.
Livonia, we had 50mph winds, but LOTS of lightning, almost continuous. Yea and that sky was lighting up all different colors. Definitly the most frequent lightning ive ever seen.
here in Jackson we got it for about 1hr along with tornado sirens going off.. and i must say my antenna survived.... i just put it up this week i figure if it survived that wind it should survive anything...LOL
hope all folks in Michigan are ok.. from last night 12,000 folks with out power still in jackson county...