I had posted this with the idea that some other hams might be able to work the guy.
They left the area about 5:15PM that evening. He said he was in the military's version of the 747 and they were orbiting at about 25,000 ft. near the southern end of Lake Michigan. He reported he was working with 10 watts and I was hearing him from about 400miles away with a full scale meter reading. Amazing what 10watts and a 25,000ft high antenna can do.
The plane was based somewhere to the west and he said when they came back this way again that he would be on the 146.52FM frequency again. I talked to him from my mobile ham radio with a 5/8 wave Larson magmount. Probably could have got him with a handi-talkie. I heard him working 8's, 9's and zero call signs. His call sign was a KD7something.
Plug the frequency in and maybe you will hear him on his next trip. He did not give any info on who, what, where, or when and I didn't ask because I know they arn't supposed to talk and I didn't want him to tell me something top secret and then have to shoot me with a missile or something.........