Mini USB connector PSR800

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Jun 2, 2006
Jones County Iowa
I had the PSR 800 plugged into my computer with a aftermarket cord. The dog walked by and snagged the cord-----knocking the scanner off the table. As the dog walked away the tip of the cable going into the scanner broke off.

I think I got all the pieces BUT the scanner will not go on outside power ---with ANY of the cords I have.

Needless to say when I connect it to the computer the computer does NOT recognize it as being attached.

I have started a ticket at GRE----I am sure it will need to be sent in for repair.

Just be careful not to put too much strain on the USB jack-----my guess is I knocked it loose inside the unit.


Mar 7, 2002
New Orleans region
Maybe you should keep cables where they won't get tripped over and yanked on by who ever may pass by.

My guess it will be at least an hour or two of labor charge on the repair bill plus parts.


Mar 4, 2004
Crafton Pennsylvania
As a former two way tech I cannot see your repair becoming cost prohibitive. More than likely something visible and not too hard to fix. I would speculate taking the radio apart for diagnosis and repair would be the major part of the job. Sometimes surface mount components separate from the soldered joint and the affected board. I have often cleaned the failed solder break and have reused-successfully-the SMC.

Good luck to you-only kidding about the dawg. Got two dags, three kats. That's what I want to be in my next life.


Jun 2, 2006
Jones County Iowa
As a former two way tech I cannot see your repair becoming cost prohibitive. More than likely something visible and not too hard to fix. I would speculate taking the radio apart for diagnosis and repair would be the major part of the job. Sometimes surface mount components separate from the soldered joint and the affected board. I have often cleaned the failed solder break and have reused-successfully-the SMC.

Good luck to you-only kidding about the dawg. Got two dags, three kats. That's what I want to be in my next life.

Oh....I am sure it will be an easy fix..................everything is working except being able to power it on external power (and connecting it to a computer). The only real problem would be a firmware upgrade etc.

The wife and I have been involved in animal rescue for a number of years-----and ended up with a few of the rejects.....................all good animals but 2 are 110lbs + and still think they are puppies !!!!!! There are a couple kats running around too........Between the K9s and the kats----They really run the house and we just live to serve them

I am going to buy a longer cable so I can plug it into the wall instead of the laptop ! That will keep the cord out of the way---------------------------you live and learn.

This is why I think scanners ought to have wireless IR data transfer. :lol:

It would have had to been IR POWER transfer............I was using the cable for external power.
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