Mississauga Standoff

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Mississauga Standoff And Scarborough Crash Make For Busy Christmas Night
Tuesday December 25, 2007
CityNews.ca Staff
It was supposed be a quiet end to a quiet Christmas. It wasn't to be for authorities in two separate areas of the GTA.

Peel Police are involved in a long standoff with a suspect who has barricaded himself in a residence at 1257 Lakeshore Rd. East near Dixie in Mississauga. There are reports a man inside may be wanted in connection with a home invasion on Royal York Rd. earlier in the day.

There's no word on what led cops to the suspect, but he's believed to be armed and officers have been forced to play a waiting game while they try to coax him out. No one has been hurt but the standoff has been a long one - it started in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, back in Toronto, police raced to the intersection of McCowan and Lawrence in Scarborough around 9:30pm after a multi-car pile-up involving a number of vehicles. Two people were trapped in the wreckage for a time, forcing firefighters to pull them to safety. Both have since been rushed to hospital and at least one person is said to have suffered life threatening injuries.

Reports from the scene indicate alcohol may have played a factor in the initial impact.

For more on both of these breaking stories, watch CityNews Tonight at 11.


Tac and K-9 and many PRP units mean there for hours by a Apartment.And people in the Apartment will not come out and cops talking to them ( tac) .

I don't know the start of the call just turning in.And a 10-3 is on.Thay will not come out.

Why do they not use a tac talkgroup? 12 Div has bean 10-3 from 5 or 6 and still on now and the time is 10:20 PM.What happence if a robbery or 10-33 comes in?

A 10-3 is suppose to be no more than 10 minutes..Why don't they use other talkgroup its not like PRP has only 30 talkgroups.Other PD uses tac talkgroups.
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Premium Subscriber
May 12, 2003
Orangeville, Ontario
nec208 said:

Tac and K-9 and many PRP units mean there for hours by a Apartment.And people in the Apartment will not come out and cops talking to them ( tac) .

I don't know the start of the call just turning in.And a 10-3 is on.Thay will not come out.

Why do they not use a tac talkgroup? 12 Div has bean 10-3 from 5 or 6 and still on now and the time is 10:20 PM.What happence if a robbery or 10-33 comes in?

A 10-3 is suppose to be no more than 10 minutes..Why don't they use other talkgroup its not like PRP has only 30 talkgroups.Other PD uses tac talkgroups.

If there are many officers on scene they will use the division talkgroup since the regular PC (police constable) radios are not programmed for the tac talkgroups...this way they can keep all scene officers on the same page and if something starts to escalate the other PCs in the division can respond as required and as directed by the Duty Inspector or Chief.

Next, there is nothing that says a 10-3 has a cap of 10 minutes. The purpose behind a 10-3 is to keep radio traffic at a minimum from non-scene officers to give radio priority to the on-scene officers in case the situation escalates. When the dispatcher starts a 10-3, they will always say "10-3 unless urgent". If the 10-3 runs long, they will move non-scene officers to adjacent divisional talkgroups and have those division dispatchers handle the calls. If a 10-33 occurs during a 10-3 this is construed as "unless urgent" and will be given priority. If a robbery comes through, in all likelyhood it will be passed off to an adjacent-division dispatcher, and PCs from other (less busy) divisions would be pulled to handle the robbery (or whatever type of priority E or 1 call). Non-escalated domestics and other low priority calls would be stacked in the queue until resources were available to handle the calls.

Normally they do put major events like this on different talkgroups, so in this case (staff shortage possibly) there would have been something driving the descision to keep this event on the division TG.
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Forums Manager/Global DB Admin
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Jun 26, 2001
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Could have been something as simple as reduced shifts at the Comm Centre due to the holiday.


Jun 25, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Also remember Peel can communicate via cell phone and MDU. But that standoff was for a while and am surprised they did not go to another TG.. Funny, i meet my first wife in that building :)


They could have move to PRP1 or PRP2.But I remember a call long ago in 22 Div of a 10-47 B&E and man has gun and a foot chase happen on a other call.Now its like who talks!!!

Long ago there was a stabbing in 21 Div and a 10-3 on and major fight happen on other call .Lucky the fight was over when PRP came .The police sargent was bad that 21 dispatcher was talking.

The 10-3 is good but it has its problems when the 10-3 is on over 10 minutes.

I know EMS in Peel even a very bad 10-50 PI calls get a tac channel and a dispatcher.There are always extra dispatcher when the dispatchers are on lunch or Dinner time or going to the bathroom.May be they thought it was christmas and the calls are going to be low.May be 12 Div was not taking E calls and priority 1 and 11 Div was doing it?

And because I turn in so late alot of the call I did not hear .But I remember the 12 Div unit saying can you page K-9 out and I did not know what this was about and later on when K-9/tac gon on seen than a 10-3 was on and containment set up.May be there was B&E or car theft in the day and PRP needed K-9 to track to the apartment or the 12 div unit may be was driving around in the area and seen a car wanted for a B&E or car theft and needed a K-9 to track to the apartment room.

Funny thing is the 10-3 happen when K-9/tac gone on seen!!
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Does tac still have simplex channels?

Nothing on tac clear or tac secure.No car to car talk on any thing like PRP or Project that I got.:(

You would think they would use 3 or more TG for some thing like this.

Chrome69 said:
Also remember Peel can communicate via cell phone and MDU. But that standoff was for a while and am surprised they did not go to another TG.. Funny, i meet my first wife in that building :)

Many PD use to have car to car TG and I don't think PRP or YRP have car to car TG .Like that say a domestic comes in its the dispatch TG or MDU is where call and car to car traffic is.

You do not hear 22-422 go to TG 1B I have some thing to tell you or ask you.


Premium Subscriber
May 12, 2003
Orangeville, Ontario
We can all sit here and speculate 16 ways from Sunday and be Monday morning quarterbacks, but the thing is, we don't work in the comm center, we weren't on-scene, and we have no clue what else was going on....or what the standard operating procedures are for PRP. Also what works for one service doesn't work for another. Every situation is different, no such thing as a "routine call", and as Mike pointed out, they could have been on reduced staffing in the comm center due to the season.


Premium Subscriber
May 12, 2003
Orangeville, Ontario
Chrome69 said:
Also remember Peel can communicate via cell phone and MDU. But that standoff was for a while and am surprised they did not go to another TG.. Funny, i meet my first wife in that building :)

Heh...Brian, you used the term "first wife" and ended with a :) ... which leaves me perplexed lol...


phyberoptics said:
We can all sit here and speculate 16 ways from Sunday and be Monday morning quarterbacks, but the thing is, we don't work in the comm center, we weren't on-scene, and we have no clue what else was going on....or what the standard operating procedures are for PRP. Also what works for one service doesn't work for another. Every situation is different, no such thing as a "routine call", and as Mike pointed out, they could have been on reduced staffing in the comm center due to the season.

Ya PRP and Toronto police hardly use the radio these days other than dispatching calls and updates to calls some times well the police are on the way and when they go 10-7 mostly 95% is done by cell or MDU .There is little if no updates now on calls when a unit is 10-7 and most car to car traffic is done by cell phone or MDU.

Yes even on calls now like robbery,person may have a gun or hear a shooting you will hear them say call me on my cell phone or send me a MDU or I will send you a MDU.And little if no updates now on calls now :eek: even now when tac or K-9 go to a call and switch to that div the disptacher will say check your MDU and will not say the call again!!! In the past they would say tac 148 switch to 11 div and than the 11 div would vice out the call again for tac and now 95% this not the case.


December 26, 2007 - A Christmas Day standoff between police and armed robbery suspects ended last night around midnight when two men surrendered to hostage negotiators.

The standoff that began at around 3 p.m. on Christmas Day ended nine hours later when Peel Regional Police handed over two men to Toronto police.

Peel police believed the people inside a home on Lakeshore Rd. W, west of Dixie Rd., had been involved in a home invasion in Etobicoke earlier in the day.

Police called in the tactical and canine units in case the suspects were armed.

The hostage negotiator talked with the suspects over the phone until they surrendered.

Four people, including three men and a woman, were taken to nearby 12 Division for questioning. Two men were later handed over to Toronto police.

Peel police did not file any charges.


Police in Mississauga had a busy Christmas night after becoming involved in a standoff with several suspects. The men apparently barricaded themselves inside an apartment at 1257 Lakeshore Rd. East near Dixie in Mississauga.

It's believed at least a few of them were wanted in connection with a home invasion on Royal York Rd. earlier in the day. There's no word on what led cops to the Mississauga residence at about 3pm but they had to wait it out as the men refused to leave the unit. Hours later, at about 1am Wednesday, the confrontation was over and cops arrested three people at the scene.

There's no word on charges, but certain detainees were reportedly freed while others remained in custody.

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