this is a MOSWIN 10 code.
I do not know where or when I got these ten codes but I had them under MHP.
10 Codes
10-1 unable to copy
10-2 signal good
10-3 affirmative, granted
10-4 message received
10-5 relay
j1 personnel
j2 property, papers, etc.
j3 prisoner
10-6 busy, stand-by
10-7 out of service
10-8 in service
10-9 repeat
10-10 minor detail, available for call
10-11 remain in service
10-12 visitor/ official present
10-13 weather/road conditions
j1 flying conditions
10-14 correct time
10-15 have in possession
j1 personnel
j2 property, papers, etc.
j3 prisoner
10-16 vehicle check
10-17 urgent-rush present detail
10-18 anything for us?
10-19 nothing for us, negative
10-20 location
10-21 call by phone
10-22 report in person
10-23 arrived at scene
10-24 leaving scene
10-25 disregard
10-26 hold subject
10-27 officer on duty
10-28 full registration
j1 vehicle
j2 driver
10-29 check record of person
10-30 does not conform
10-31 alleged narcotics violation
10-33 emergency traffic this station
10-34 trouble at station need help
10-35 major crime alert
10-36 confidential information
10-37 subject with gun
10-38 need immediate assistance
10-40 car to car traffic
10-41 beginning tour of duty
10-42 ending tour on duty
10-44 message received by all
10-46 disabled vehicle
10-50 vehicle accident
j1 minor
j2 serious
j3 road blocked
j4 fatality
10-51 wrecker needed
j1 has been notified
10-52 ambulance needed
j1 has been notified
10-53 coroner needed
j1 has been notified
10-54 drag racing
10-55 driving while intoxicated
10-56 intoxicated person
10-59 convoy/ escort (commonly used for funerals)
10-60 what is next message number?
10-61 cw traffic
10-62 teletype traffic
10-63 any answer our number?
10-64 message for local delivery
10-65 net message or item assignment
10-66 cancellation
10-67 clear for net message
10-68 dispatch information
10-70 fire
10-76 enroute
10-79 report progress of fire
10-82 reserve hotel room
10-83 residence
10-88 advise telephone number for
10-89 communications employee needed
10-90 alarm sounding
10-97 criminal history-caution
j1 felon
j2 armed and dangerous
j3 assault officers
j4 sex offender
10-99 records indicate wanted or stolen
j1 municipal warrant
j2 misdemeanor
j3 felony
j4 caution code