The way to scan the HF bands is sorta like fishing. You set yourself down comfortable like, put on the ear phones, take deep breaths, perhaps have a Toddy at your side, and you sloooowwwwllly turn the dial. It does wonders for finding surprises, excitement, adventures, unusual callssigns, unusual accents, and wonders for your body too, if you let it.
That's how us old timers listened in on tow boats dropping crew memebers on a sandbar, arranging for the wife to be there with the car to get 'em, how we heard aircraft at the point of no return with an engine going fowl and decisions to be made, State Department staffers talking way out of turn when they thought they were on a secure channel, a wife radio-phoning her husband out fishing to tell him the house had been broken into and they broke into a safe he had she didn't know he had. Like that.
See what ya missed?