Problem Solved
So, after a few months of screwing around, I have discovered the source of my problem with the Montgomery County TRS and my 396T.
Originally, I had my scanner setup to monitor the MCTRS in ID Scan mode. At some point, the scanner stopped receiving the system. I theorized that a either a new firmware update or reprogramming the MCTRS system somehow hosed the scanner, so I reflashed the 1.13 and reloaded the system database - with no effect. So I changed the mode from ID Scan to ID Search. Viola! - sort of. I started receiving the system, except I was only seeing the TGIDNumbers - but not the translated TGIDNames. Then the other day I was in DC, so I pulled off to the side of the road and experimented with programming the system manually (not using the software.) When I looked in the MC system, the TGIDNames were there, but when went in the edit the TGIDNumbers - they were empty (blank!) So I programmed in TGID 3344 (MC Fire Dispatch) - and Viola! It properly translated the TGIDNumber to the TGIDName. I went home and fired up USAD, and looked at the MC system - all the TGIDNames and Numbers were properly entered. So then I examined the .usd file for the MC system using Windows Notepad. All the Group Names, TGIDNames and Numbers were there, but upon closer inspection, I noticed some shifting of the data caused by missing parans, commas, etc. in different places throughout the file!
So it turns out that the root of my probelm was a corrupted .usd file. Since USAD didn't load the TGIDNumbers, the ID Scan mode had no TGIDNumbers to evaluate and could never translate an appropriate TGIDName. And since ID Scan mode assumes that you only want to hear what TGIDNumbers that you have programmed, the scanner never tunes to a TG. That's why the scanner worked when switched to the ID Search mode, because ID Search looks for all TGIDNumbers and receives the TG, and if there is a TGIDName associated with it, displays that info.
It's curious that the USAD software seemed to have no problem with the missing and/or shifted characters when reading the corrupted .usd data file. I guess there is some sort of data validation/error correction built into the software, but for some reason, it doesn't correct the data file when resaved...
Note: Due to the number of TG's in the MC TRS, I decided to split up the Fire and Police zones into two seperate systems. That's the beauty of the 396/996 - the dynamic system of memory allocation is extremely flexible.