ive been in their trucks a few times and have never seen communication radios, just nextels.most of the comms are from driver to dispatch via nextel.......although it is quite possible some of their trucks are radio dispatched...99% of the time when an accident occurs(and plenty do in UM twp)...parties involved call police dispatcher....dispatch assings it to an officer....and once the responsind officer arrives, he determines if a "duty tow" will be needed or if the parties can drive them away, or if its a disabled in traffic, "duty tow" may respond to remove it at police request....also, jamisons is a TRIPLE A SERVICE PROVIDER..so they have to be ready for those calls....but id be very surprised if jamisons has police scanners in their trucks, its one thing if they are on a channel with JUST UM pd, but a tow company can getinto legality issues if they are caught with police radios in their trucks,(unless they are turnpike authorized service providers, in which case they are given turnpike cb's which allow them to communicate directly with highspire and to state police)