more dakota if you dont mind

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Jun 8, 2007
I think there is enough interest in this Dakota County thing for a number of reasons.
Communications in the county have been lacking for a number of years. For instance, having all fire depts do their own dispatching after the initial tone out, no county-wide tactical freq besides MINSEF ( love the scan button and xchannel comm works to some extent), forever to get MDT's in the squads, sloppy and sometimes very unprofessional (but entertaining at times) radio chatter just to name a few. As a citizen of the county and person in the biz, I am hoping this goes well for all and that it gets done right for the public and I hope things in the comm ctr are fair for all that work there (union point of view). If this goes well, it'll probably be a model for any agency that has ever thought of consolidating it services into one. Come Novemeber or whenever Dakota says good bye to VHF, expect the ARMER animal to raise some questions. Training is crucial here. No more of giving folks HT's without knowing how to use them.

again, lets see where this goes...

kqr418 :)
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