Is there someone out there who would like to vouch for or provide a usable version of Astro CPS for the good of the community?
There are several threads in the forums here concerning the Motorola XTS5000 radio and its programming software, Astro CPS. I have new information from Motorola concerning use of Astro CPS.
The Motorola XTS5000 Digital Portable Radio, no longer supported by Motorola, is a hardy and inexpensive radio that performs sending and receiving of P25 transmissions. The largest markets for the XTS5000 were commercial and government customers who have since upgraded their equipment, so the XTS5000 model is readily available on eBay and in other secondary markets. The biggest hurdle to amateur use was in programming the radio, which required a separate serial interface and access to Motorola's programming software, Astro CPS, which was licensed by Motorola to its customers at significant cost.
Prospective XTS5000 programmers can purchase the interface from various vendors on eBay, but the Astro CPS software is no longer available from Motorola, nor can it be licensed any longer. There is no avenue for radio users to obtain the software other than by search engines stumbling on various cracked versions of the software, and the last version reported to work with the XTS5000 is Astro CPS R20.01.11. Cracked software is both illegal and dangerous.
However, I received this email today, which constitutes notification that Motorola is agreeable to free use of any software for the unit.
From: Motorola Solutions Notification <msinotify@motorolasolutions.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 06:21
To: rxfelix@...
Subject:Case #02546732 updates - XTS5000 software
Hello Robin,
Regarding your case 02546732 requesting software for the XTS5000 radios.
Unfortunately, they are pñd radops and no longer supported.
We do not have the software or accessories for the units.
You can search on google for a free download.
With this information provided, this case will be closed
Blanca Cardenas
Customer Care Consultant
Customer Care Service Desk, Service Operations
Centralized Managed Support Operations
Motorola Solutions, Inc.
Is there someone out there who would like to vouch for or provide a usable version of Astro CPS for the good of the community?
There are several threads in the forums here concerning the Motorola XTS5000 radio and its programming software, Astro CPS. I have new information from Motorola concerning use of Astro CPS.
The Motorola XTS5000 Digital Portable Radio, no longer supported by Motorola, is a hardy and inexpensive radio that performs sending and receiving of P25 transmissions. The largest markets for the XTS5000 were commercial and government customers who have since upgraded their equipment, so the XTS5000 model is readily available on eBay and in other secondary markets. The biggest hurdle to amateur use was in programming the radio, which required a separate serial interface and access to Motorola's programming software, Astro CPS, which was licensed by Motorola to its customers at significant cost.
Prospective XTS5000 programmers can purchase the interface from various vendors on eBay, but the Astro CPS software is no longer available from Motorola, nor can it be licensed any longer. There is no avenue for radio users to obtain the software other than by search engines stumbling on various cracked versions of the software, and the last version reported to work with the XTS5000 is Astro CPS R20.01.11. Cracked software is both illegal and dangerous.
However, I received this email today, which constitutes notification that Motorola is agreeable to free use of any software for the unit.
From: Motorola Solutions Notification <msinotify@motorolasolutions.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 06:21
To: rxfelix@...
Subject:Case #02546732 updates - XTS5000 software
Hello Robin,
Regarding your case 02546732 requesting software for the XTS5000 radios.
Unfortunately, they are pñd radops and no longer supported.
We do not have the software or accessories for the units.
You can search on google for a free download.
With this information provided, this case will be closed
Blanca Cardenas
Customer Care Consultant
Customer Care Service Desk, Service Operations
Centralized Managed Support Operations
Motorola Solutions, Inc.
Is there someone out there who would like to vouch for or provide a usable version of Astro CPS for the good of the community?