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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Motorola Centracom?

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Duplicate account of Tom Sherman
Mar 14, 2009
Orange County, CA
I am thinking of picking up a Centracom console after the holidays, Ive found alot of Centracom Series II consoles on Ebay, I want to use it for GMRS, and RX Purposes,
I was told that i can use a mobile radio to control the console,
Does anyone have any info on this?
I would like to have it in my shack just to say i have it and put it to use, any info would be appreciated


Premium Subscriber
Aug 17, 2010
the CEB rack will have BIM cards to control the radios. these are usually tone or DC control cards, so you need a tone remote adapter to connect them. you also need a way to program the prom if the unit is not setup to work with your configuration. the op position alone does not make a series II, there is a backroom cabinet that goes with it.

the radios do not control the console, the console op position talks to the CEB which in turn controls the radios.

if you want a basic console, look for a CommandSTAR lite they are all in one units and programming them is fairly simple.


Duplicate account of Tom Sherman
Mar 14, 2009
Orange County, CA
So there is really no Simple way to do this without the CEB?Ive seen a CEB loaded on EBAY For $100 but they wont ship to texas, it's local pickup only and that bad boy looks heavy,
I want to get a 12-16 position console to TX on 2 UHF GMRS channels Simplex and the rest all RX Only,
I have a radio project fund of $535 that ive saved up, and it's growing, but i am looking for a cool project for my shack and i think i want to pursue this one, anymore suggestions on an easy way?


Premium Subscriber
Aug 17, 2010
not with a Seriess II. you can do it with a Series I as everything is in the furniture. but like the II they are heavy, shipping alone will kill your budget. and like i said with any of them you need tone remote adapters unless you get lucky and find one configured for local control. the adapters are a few hundred each new, probably under 100 used.

if you know anyone with any area public safety services, check and see if they are updating to P25. if so and they have old consoles they may be junking them out. there is a slim chance you can buy them, though most places they have to go to auction.

another good option is a used Zetron, but i have ZERO first hand experience so i can't tell you what back room options you need and what you can leave off.


Feb 6, 2007
So there is really no Simple way to do this without the CEB?

No. The CEB is an integral part of the system, and without it, the operator position is just a box of parts. The CEB is the part that does all the work.

I have a radio project fund of $535 that ive saved up, and it's growing, but i am looking for a cool project for my shack and i think i want to pursue this one, anymore suggestions on an easy way?

There's nothing easy about a Centracom II. You do realize that they require programming, yes? That takes special software. And it's not at all intuitive. So, unless you have lots of time, and lots of extra hair to pull out, there are probably better options.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 26, 2004
Hagerstown, Maryland
How about picking up the Centracom furniture and gutting it....then custom mount your radios and receivers into the rack mount enclosures? Just a suggestion.


Duplicate account of Tom Sherman
Mar 14, 2009
Orange County, CA
How about picking up the Centracom furniture and gutting it....then custom mount your radios and receivers into the rack mount enclosures? Just a suggestion.

I was thinking of doing that, but i'd like to take a shot at a dispatch console, i am looking for something like a Centracom, but easier to program, i am looking into Zetron, but their a pretty penny, as of right now i have a 110 Watt Astro Spectra running with a desk mic, and hooked to a Zetron Power Supply,

I'd like to design an ROIP console, that was the main idea of the Centracom, But i am keeping my options open,

I am looking for a desk console that is easy to program and computer compatible,


Aug 23, 2008
Russell, Kansas
I have two complete Dispatcher series consoles with the CEB's and the Tone Remote adapters with all the books...They are yours if you want to come get them! I live in Kansas, so its an easy trip!


Premium Subscriber
Aug 17, 2010
you should take him up on that, the Dispatcher is just a smaller version of the Centracom, or at least the ones i have seen are.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
The Motorola CommandPLUS (made by Gai Tronics) would also fit your needs well. Handles up to 12 channels and can connect directly to scanner speaker outputs for RX only channels. I use one to mix the audio of 4 scanners and 2 spectra transcievers. Works awesome, audio sounds great (select/unselect speakers and individual volume controls), not to mention it looks pretty cool with all the lights//bells/whistles. Keep in mind that you will need a tone-remote adapter for each transciever that you wish to connect, but these are pretty common on e-bay for $50-100.

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