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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Motorola High Power Astro Spectra Scanning Question

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Mar 10, 2022
Hello, I have a motorola vhf high power astro spectra model T04KLH9PW9AN with a A9 Head. I had spectra's in the past so I am a little familiar with them but this is my first Astro. I am having trouble understanding the scan setup. I have two zones set up with two scan list. I am trying to set it up for operator select for the scan list and I understand you can scan channels from different zones up to 16 channels. I push and hold scan button, then select the channels i want and it seems to be fine. But when I turn the radio off, and then back on, the scan list is lost and the first 16 channels in zone 1 show up in the scan list as non priority channels. I am using all conventional setting, non trunking, nothing fancy. Trying to program it as close as possible to the old spectra's. Can someone please point me in the right direction on this.


Oct 13, 2015
Isle of Wight County
The A9 head doesn't work on the Astro Spectra. I'm guessing you have a W9 head. Regardless, there's an easy work around if you can't get it to retain the list. Program your scanlist through CPS. Then set one of the buttons to "nuisance delete". When it stops on a channel that you DONT want to hear, just press nuisance delete. Once the radio goes through a power cycle, it will return the scanlist to its normal programmed list.


Mar 10, 2022
Thanks for the info. I do have the W9 head and I have a nuisance delete button programmed on the head. It seems to be working fine now and I believe it was reverting back to zone 1 scan list after reprogramming the radio rather than a power cycle. I have noticed that if you hold the home button down the display will start flashing. I don't believe the old spectra did that and I don't know what it means when it is flashing. I know if you push it again, it will return to zone 1, channel 1. What does the flashing mean?


Oct 13, 2015
Isle of Wight County
On some of the control heads, if you hold the home button down the radio will enter “direct mode”. I know the W7 would do this. It simply allows you to directly enter the “mode” you want via the keypad instead of scrolling up or down with the mode button.


Mar 10, 2022
Well I thought I had this figured out and for the most part I do. I went through the channels and selected 6 channels to scan. No problems there but now the Yellow "Non Priority" light stays on all the time. Best I remember on the old spectra the priority lights, Red Flashing, Red Solid, and Yellow, only came on when there was activity on that channel. Am I correct on that? Under the personality mode, "RX Options", I have Unmute/Mute set to "Standard". On the scan list "Dynamic Priority" is unchecked, "Non Priority Members" is set to operator select.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
I only know the W7 head. The yellow is monitor mode. Short press 'MON' usually resets that.
The way my codeplug is set up, press and hold channel X it goes from no blink (non priority) to one blink (priority 1) again is 2 blinks (priority 2) Like a 3 way toggle.
(priority enable box checked in CPS.)(operator select)
What I dislike about this is scan lock a call and get that annoying tic tic tic while the radio looks to channels with priority.
Same happens when you set a home channel.
My power cycle is set such power up goes to home channel, my starting place. (optional)
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