Seriously? A simple google search told me that the red LED and tones means the battery is low. You don't need to contact a service shop, if it looks like it's working, charge it up and see if you have any problems.
Page 13 of the Minitor VI User Guide has this:
Battery Status
At any time, press and release the Reset
button to view the battery status.
• Solid Green - Indicates that the battery
level is high.
• Solid Yellow - Indicates that the battery
level is medium.
• Solid Red - Indicates that the battery
level is low.
• Blinking Red - Indicates that the battery
level is critically low. The red LED and the
battery LED will blink simultaneously
every 2 minutes with a beep to remind
you to charge and/or replace the battery.
@Toppis98 stated "
But now every time I turn it on the pager LED flashes red. And the pager has 3 low toned beeps that continuously repeat."
The blinking red LED for a low battery is after you "
press and release the Reset button to view the battery status" which is
NOT what the OP is doing. The OP is merely turning on the pager and the LED starts blinking red with the three (not a single every two minutes) beeps that repeat continuously. This is different. Something is amiss with the pager I am afraid and I believe that the shop could shed some light on the situation.
@K2NEC, by the way, as an ex-Motorola engineer I do try to research things out so that I am usually on-target as best as I can be. And yes, I had already Googled the Minitor VI manual.