Also does anyone know of a way to view the tutorials in the CPS. Can't find anything to take the place of the out dated Flash Player. Thanks
Here's a workaround solution.
Using your favorite search engine, locate and
download flashplayer_32_sa.exe to your PC. Create a folder "
Flash Player Support" or whatever title that you desire to name it and place it directly under the root drive (
C:\) on your computer.
The tutorial files (.swf) are placed in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Motorola\ASTRO 25 Products\ASTRO 25 Portable CPS\Tutorials when installing ASTRO 25 Portable CPS on a Windows PC that were originally called by html files from withing CPS when clicking on them in the
help section.
My solution for viewing any of the tutorials as will was to create shortcuts to each of the titles (.swf) and placed them in a separate folder
that can be under the root or even on your Desktop. Create a file association by file type for the .swf files that points to that you downloaded and setup per the above instruction.
Now, it's only a matter of clicking on the title of the tutorial of interest and the associated .swf will open in the flashplayer debugger program
and you're off to the races. I believe that tutorials are identical be it ASTRO 25 Mobile, or ASTRO 25 Portable CPS meaning that you should
only need to create one set of shortcuts to view them in reference to working with ether CPS program.
I suppose a person could also hack the original html files too and accomplish the same end result. I just found it easier to create the
Windows Shortcuts and setup the file association to the debugger.