It was RSS. Two I remember were Agent and Super Agent.
There were several versions of RSS:
--Agent/Super Agent (Used at Nextel stores to transfer contact lists/address books only)
--Carrier (Used at local repair facilities to do a little more than Superagent)
--Depot (Used at Motorola Repair Depot...was not supposed to get out due to ability to add features and change things like color palettes in the Falcon line of Nextel phones)
--Lab (Used only within Motorola and could change IMEI/Serials and allow the user to see the codeplug in hex form)
Of course Depot and Lab made its way into the Nextel community and gave Nextel users unprecedented access to their Nextel phones and a large modding community came into existence. (NextelModz, IdenInsider, HoFo, etc).
I too was a Nextel employee for few years on Corporate side then Indirect dealer.
Still have my modded i730 somewhere in a drawer. somewhere.