Ok for christmas i got an 2006 four door dodge ram. I am wondering how do i mount my cb and scanner cause they r both 2 big to fit in the cubby holes in the dash, and my other question is wat is the best way to run the coax cables 2 my antennas which are on my toolbox.
A picture or two is really helpful. If your cb and scanner are large, mounting options change. Smaller models can be mounted differently.
If your toolbox is the typical cross-bed style, I'd route the cables down along the chassis and bring them up by the firewall, driver's side. There is usually a large rubber grommet there that already has a bunch of harnesses and such going into the cab. It's the perfect place to route wiring for a simple install.
I also recommend you encase the antenna cables in loom anywhere it is exposed. In your case, you'd loom from the tool box all the way to the rubber grommet on the firewall. Loom comes in various sizes and can be picked up at Radio Shack and most auto parts stores. Basically, loom is corrugated, thin plastic tubing that is slit lengthwise so it can be placed over wire or wires to protect them. Looks like this:
Normally, I'd suggest you check out
eLightbars.org for tons of info about vehicle installs of all types, but they're down for an unknown length of time.
Another great resource is:
Car Alarm, Car Stereo, Mobile Video, and Cruise Control Info for Installers